Committee details
Employment Committee
Purpose of committee
The Employment Committee’s functions are to undertake functions relating to employment matters including establishing the overall framework for remuneration and terms and conditions of employment, power to employ staff, the review of the council’s training, recruitment & selection policies and other issues affecting employees including Health & Safety and designation of the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, Section 151 Officer and Chief Officers.
- Councillor Sharon Banevicius (Chair)
- Councillor Sonia Wilcox (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Philip Bennion
- Councillor Russ Bragger
- Councillor Darren Ennis
- Councillor Rosie Harvey-Coggins
- Councillor John Hill
- Councillor Serena Jane Mears
- Councillor Joseph Powell
- Councillor Mark Warfield
Contact information
Support officer: Shanade Cartwright. Email:
Phone: 01543 308833