
Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Mark Hooper 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence (if any)


Declarations of Interest


Election of Chairman of the Council for the Ensuing Year (Followed by Declaration of Acceptance of Office).


To Approve as a Correct Record, The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 17 April 2018 (Volume 45 Part 6 Minute Book). pdf icon PDF 159 KB


Appointment of Vice-Chairman of the Council for the Ensuing Year (followed by Declaration of Acceptance of Office).


Chairman's Announcements


Report of the Leader of the Council on Cabinet Decisions from the Meeting held on 1 May 2018 and Cabinet Member Decisions (Grey Enclosure). pdf icon PDF 68 KB


Report of the Chairman of Leisure, Parks and Waste Management (Overview and Scrutiny) Committee (Yellow Enclosure). pdf icon PDF 47 KB


The Chairman Indicated Below to Move that the Proceedings of the Following Committees (Volume 44 Part 6 Minute Book) be Received and, Where Necessary, Approved and Adopted. pdf icon PDF 65 KB








Page Nos.



Planning (to follow)

8 May




T. Marshall


Audit & Member Standards (to follow)

9 May


M. C. Tittley



Additional documents:


Proposal from the Cabinet:

(a) Submission of Local Plan Allocations Document for Independent Examination to the Secretary of State


To approve the following recommendations as set out in the report submitted to Cabinet on 1 May 2018:


(i)         That Council approves the Local Plan Allocations document (Appendix A of the Cabinet report), the accompanying Policies Map (Appendix B of the Cabinet report) and the Regulation 19 Focused changes consultation document (Local Plan Allocations) (Appendix C of the Cabinet report) and Policies map (Appendix D of the Cabinet report) for submission to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination.


(ii)        That delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Environment & Development Services in consultation with the Head of Economic Growth to make any minor changes to the appearance, format and text of the Local Plan Allocations Document or the supporting documents prior to submission in the interests of clarity and accuracy.


(iii)       That Council notes the summary of representations and approve the Council’s suggested responses (Appendix E of the Cabinet report) to the consultation on the Local Plan Allocations Focused Changes document. 


(iv)       That Council approves the supporting submission documents which accompany the Local Plan Allocations as set out in Table 4 of the Cabinet report.


(v)        That Council approves the submission of the Local Plan Allocations March – May 2018 consultation document (Appendix F & Map of the Cabinet report), responses received (Appendix G of the Cabinet report) and summary of responses (Appendix H of the Cabinet report).


(vi)       That Council notes the contents of paragraph 3.12 of the Cabinet report which identifies additional documents which may be of benefit to the Planning Inspectorate. Cabinet has previously received these documents at its meeting on 5th December 2018.


(vii)      That Council notes that the Planning Inspectorate may request the need for additional documents to be submitted prior to and during the Examination process (to enable timely submission Cabinet agreed that delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Environment & Development Services in consultation with the Head of Economic Growth to submit any requested documents).   



Changes to the Council's Constitution pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To approve and adopt an updated Constitution for the Council - APPENDIX A (White Enclosure).


Additional documents:


Membership of Cabinet, Committees and Panels Including Allocation of Seats and Appointments by Political Groups pdf icon PDF 192 KB

To receive from the Group Leaders a list of appointments to the Cabinet, Committees and Panels subject to no Member being disqualified from serving due to a conflict of interest - APPENDIX B (Buff Enclosure).






Election of Chairmen and Appointment of Vice-Chairmen of Committees, Panels etc. pdf icon PDF 48 KB

The Leader of the Council to Move that the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of Committees and Panels etc. be as indicated in APPENDIX C (Blue Enclosure).



Appointment of Representatives on Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider and approve the report at APPENDIX D (Gold Enclosure) regarding appointments of representatives on outside bodies.





To Answer Any Questions Under Procedure Rule 10.2.



RESOLVED:  That as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, which would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended.





To Approve as a Correct Record, the Confidential Minutes of the Meeting of the Council Held on 17 April 2017 (Pink Enclosure)

To Approve as a Correct Record, the Confidential Minutes of the Meeting of the Council Held on 17 April 2018 (Pink Enclosure).


Report of the Leader of the Council on Confidential Cabinet Decisions from the Meeting Held on 1 May 2018 (Pink Enclosure).


Confidential Proposal from Cabinet

To approve the proposal from Cabinet set out at APPENDIX E (Pink Enclosure).