Issue details

Business Rates Pilot

In emerging and expanding business parks, such as Fradley Business Park, businesses often expand and grow their units/floorspace in creative ways – for example adding mezzanine floors – which are then not easily captured on the Valuation Office Agency’s list, so business rate charges may not be appropriately levied.


Whilst the revenues team does its best to track and trace any new businesses in the area, it does not have a mechanism for identifying new spaces within existing rated units and does not have the capacity to actively pursue businesses to determine whether such new rateable value exists within the district.


The council is keen to work with a company called Capacity Grid to carry out a pilot to determine whether an active approach to identifying new rateable value within the district could generate positive results.


Long-term any new rateable value added to the list would benefit the district council, which retains a percentage of business rates it collects. It will also benefit other precepting authorities including the county, police, fire and parish councils. Any additional revenue can then be used to fund local services.


Capacity Grid charge a percentage fee for their work. The pilot will be limited to a maximum spend of £75,000 with Capacity Grid. This spend will be met by the additional business rates revenue generated.


Approval is sought to progress the pilot within this financial year (2023-24).

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/06/2023

Decision due: Not before 12th Jul 2023 by Cabinet Member Decision

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Finance and Commissioning

Contact: Lizzie Barton, Assistant Director - Customer, Residents & Business Services Email:

