Issue details
Joint Venture
To consider a joint-venture arrangement for
the redevelopment of a property.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/06/2022
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt -
Decision due: 11 Oct 2022 by Cabinet
Decision due: 20 Oct 2022 by Council
Lead member: Leader of the Council
Contact: Simon Fletcher, Chief Executive Email:
Documents Available: TBC
- 12/10/2022 - Joint Venture - A Cinema for Lichfield District
- 12/10/2022 - Medium Term Financial Strategy (Revenue and Capital) 2023-27
Agenda items
- 11/10/2022 - Cabinet Joint Venture - A Cinema for Lichfield District 11/10/2022
- 11/10/2022 - Cabinet Medium Term Financial Strategy (Revenue and Capital) 2023-27 11/10/2022
- Joint Venture