Election results for Lichfield (Curborough)

Parish - District & Parish - Thursday, 4th May, 2023

Lichfield (Curborough) - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Colin John Ball Labour Party 528 24% Elected
Dave Roberston Labour Party 504 23% Elected
Paula Ann Knight Labour Party 448 20% Elected
Matthew Lee Field Labour Party 432 19% Elected
Brandon Scott Clark The Conservative Party 305 14% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 4
Total votes 2217
Electorate 3239
Number of ballot papers issued 837
Number of ballot papers rejected 12
Turnout 26%
Share of the votes (%)
Colin John Ball 24% Elected
Dave Roberston 23% Elected
Paula Ann Knight 20% Elected
Matthew Lee Field 19% Elected
Brandon Scott Clark 14% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Unmarked or void for uncertainty11
Voting for more candidates than the voter is entitled to1
Total rejected12