The Leader of the Council has agreed that this item be considered as a matter of urgency in order to comply with the grant scheme’s timescales.
The Cabinet agreed
1.1 That Lichfield District Council accept the grant award of £262,558 and payment via section 31 for the purpose of Decarbonisation of DCH and The Pavilion, and that Cabinet accept that at the time of writing this report no official offer of the grant had been received. This would occur when the acceptance of payment by section 31 has been confirmed to Salix.
1.2 To delegate authority to the Head of Finance and Procurement (Section 151 Officer) to complete and sign all agreements related to acceptance of any grant award.
1.3 To recommend to Council that the Medium Term Financial Strategy (including the Capital Programme, relevant Prudential Indicators and Balance Sheet Projections) be updated following the acceptance of any grant offer to include a new project that will be funded by the grant award of £262,558.