Issue - decisions

Money Matters 2019/20 : Review of the Financial Performance against the Financial Strategy April to March 2020

03/06/2020 - Money Matters 2019/20 : Review of Financial Performance against the Financial Strategy

The Cabinet:


1.1       Noted the report and issues raised within and agreed that Leadership Team with Cabinet Members will continue to closely monitor and manage the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


1.2       Noted the transfers to earmarked reserves and general and earmarked reserves at 31 March 2020.


1.3       Noted that in terms of the financial impact of COVID-19, there was a relatively limited impact in 2019/20 with a projected higher financial impact in 2020/21 and potentially beyond.


1.4       Approved £13,454,000 of Capital Programme slippage related to 2019/20 being added to the Approved Budget in 2020/21 as outlined at Appendix E of the Cabinet report.


1.5       Noted the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) financial year report which is in accordance with Regulation 62 of The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).


1.6       Approved a delegation to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement to agree the preferred option and the legal arrangements for the Financial Information System in line with the approved budget.


1.7       Endorsed the 3 month extension of the arrangement for the Interim Procurement Manager at a cost of £29,000 (a total cost £102,000) and noted the outcome from the options appraisal in relation to future procurement support.


1.8       Recommended that Council approve the actual 2019/20 Prudential Indicators contained within the report.