Agenda item

Planning Applications


Applications for permission for development were considered with the recommendations of the Director of Place and Community and any letters of representation and petitions together with a supplementary report of observations/representations received since the publication of the agenda in association with Planning Applications 17/01191/OUFMEI and 18/00538/COU.


17/01191/OUFMEI – Hybrid planning application comprising full planning application for the construction of a sustainable mixed use urban extension comprising of 475 dwellings, new vehicular access points onto Claypit Lane and Birmingham Road, the remodelling and formation of a roundabout at the junction of Fosseway Lane and Claypit Lane, comprehensive green infrastructure including up to 16.55 ha of country park, footpaths, cycleways, multifunctional open space including children’s play areas, community orchard, open space for informal  sport and sustainable urban drainage systems, foul and surface water drainage infrastructure including balancing ponds, and other ancillary infrastructure and ground remodelling with outline applications for the serviced provision of 1.09 ha of land for a primary school and 1.9 ha for strategic sports provision with all matters reserved except access

Deanslade Park, Land South of Falkland Road, Lichfield, Staffordshire

For Deanslade Park Consortium 


RESOLVED:-  Subject to the applicant first submitting revised details to demonstrate that acceptable vehicular access will be provided to serve 4 dwellings adjacent to Claypit Lane and that delegated authority be conferred on the Planning Development Manager in liaison with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to agree such alternative layout in this regard.  Then:


(1)  Subject to the owners/applicants first entering into a Section 106 Legal Agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act (as amended) to secure contributions/planning obligations towards:-

1.    On-site affordable housing provision;

2.    On-site Public Open Space Provision (including Delivery of Country Park);

3.    On-site Sports Provision (including changing facilities);

4.    Bus Service and Travel Pack Contribution;

5.    Primary School Education Contribution;

6.    Travel Plan;

7.    Off-site highway works;

8.    Maintenance Management Company.


Planning permission be approved, subject to conditions, as set out in the main report, as amended in the supplementary report and an additional condition to read as follows:


Condition: The site compounds hereby approved as shown on approved plan P16-0237_29 Revision 1 shall be removed from the site and the land altered to the use and appearance as agreed under the requirements of condition 10, within 6 months of completion of the residential properties.


Reason: To ensure that the approved Open Space, Landscaping and Country Park schemes, which are to enhance the development, are fully implemented and in order to protect the openness of the Green Belt, in accordance with the provisions of Policies BE1, HSC1, NR2 and NR4 of the Local Plan Strategy, the Trees, Landscaping and Development Supplementary Planning Document and the National Planning Policy Framework.

(2)  If the S106 legal agreement is not signed/completed by the 2 November 2018 or the expiration of any further agreed extension of time, then powers be delegated to officers to refuse planning permission based on the unacceptability of the development without the required contributions and undertakings as outlined in the report.



18/00538/COU – Change of use of public open space to form an increase in the garden area of the adjacent property, including installation of new 2.0m high boundary fence, demolition of existing boundary wall, and installation of new timber gate

14 Bloomsbury Way, Lichfield

For Mr D Cobb


RESOLVED:- That planning permission be refused for the following reason:-


The boundary treatment, by virtue of its siting, height and proximity to the public footpath would result in an over-dominant and incongruous form of development which would create an inactive edge directly adjacent a public footpath.  Furthermore, it would enclose and narrow the area around the public footpath, detracting from the character and appearance of the area to the detriment of the public amenity.  The proposal would therefore be contrary to Core Policy 3 (Delivering Sustainable Development) and Policy BE1 (High Quality Development) of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy 2015; the Sustainable Design Supplementary Planning Document and Government Guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (2012).

Supporting documents: