Agenda item

Updated Pay Policy Statement 2023


The committee received the updated annual Pay Policy Statement for 2023 and were informed that it was the Council’s duty to publish such reports under Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011.


It was also noted that the report this year included provision for annual performance related bonuses, an employee referral bonus scheme and an enhanced benefits package including private health insurance.


The following points were raised by Members regarding the performance related bonus scheme


·        There was no robust evidence that these types of schemes work in the public sector

·        Schemes like these had been ceased elsewhere as Officers worked harder because they felt valued not due to financial incentive

·        There was merit in trialling the scheme and results should be reviewed by the Committee.

·        It was noted that it would help promote what outstanding performance looked like in the organisation.

·        There should be clear criteria for success and the moderation process was well received by the Committee.


The referral bonus scheme was then discussed and it was agreed as a positive step and the Committee were reassured to note that even with referrals given, the usual recruitment and probation processes would still be followed.


The enhanced benefits package was discussed and it was noted that although the current scheme was the standard offering seen in many local authorities, this did not mean the market should not be tested for a better offering.

There was much discussion regarding a provision of private health care with the following points raised.


·        Officers already pay for health care via National Insurance contributions and so this would be paying twice at a cost to both the Officer and organisation.

·        There has to be consideration that it is public money.

·        It had been asked for in staff surveys.

·        It was noted that this was a trial so how would the organisation manage taking health care away as some would get used to it.  It was reported that clear communications that it was a trial would be given from the start.

·        It would help officers recover from illness quicker and therefore return to work sooner.

·        It was noted that many of what would be covered by the scheme were “self referred” services which for people who work, was more difficult to access It was reported that it through a limited workforce pilot last year, it became clear that many members of staff had not tried to voluntarily access services like physiotherapy for health concerns as a result from manual handling without support from the organisation.  The benefits from helping individuals access these types of therapeutic and holistic services could be seen following this pilot.  It was also reported that the scheme would provide services like eye tests to all staff not just those who use display screen equipment. It was agreed that these benefits should be stated in the report before going to Council for approval.


RESOLVED:  (1)         That the contents of the updated Pay Policy Statement as set out in Appendix A be updated to include the arguments for the private health care scheme and the offer of extra “self referred” services as well as the requirement for the Employment Committee to receive a report reviewing the trial of the performance related bonus and all schemes as stated in the reports be approved and recommended for approval by Full Council on 11 July 2023.


                        (2)        The Pay Policy Statement be updated to include provision for:

           Annual performance related bonuses

           Employee referral bonuses

                  An enhanced benefits package, including private health insurance


(3)        That delegated authority to the Assistant Director Operations, Regulation & Enforcement in consultation with the Chair of this committee, to update and republish the pay policy in respect of the pay spine set out at Appendix 1 to the report and any ratios once the national pay negotiations for 2023 are concluded.



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