Agenda item

Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre

Representatives from the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board will be attending to discuss the situation and any proposals regarding the Burntwood Wellbeing Centre.  A letter sent to stakeholders is attached for background information.


The Chair welcomed representatives from the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent
Integrated Care Board -
Chris Bird, Chief Transformation Officer (including executive leadership for delegated responsibilities the ICB have for general practice services), Nicola Bromage, Associate Director – Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism and Children and Young People and Dr Abid Khan, Medical Director of Midlands Partnership Trust.


The Chair advised that members had been sent a copy of the published letter sent to all stakeholders by the ICB and asked Mr Bird if he could update members with the history and the current position regarding the closure of the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre.


Mr Bird advised that the Burntwood Health & Welllbeing Centre had opened in 2008 and had always been a temporary measure as the original permission was granted on condition that it be taken down after 3 years.  Since that time several planning extensions had been given by the LDC planning department and the last extension in 2019 was by means of a contract which was timebound to September 2024 in order for the redevelopment of the health care facilities in Burntwood. Mr Bird confirmed that they had worked with colleagues at Staffordshire County Council and had opened Greenwood Health Centre and the new Burntwood North Centre at Cherry Close would be open and operational from 2025. He advised that they were confident that the plans were sound as they had engaged with all the relevant parties and the existing local surgeries had confirmed they could take on the existing patients with the intent that the new facility at Cherry Close will be open in 2025.


Members made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:-


·       The consultation in 2009 was discussed as it was stated at the end of that consultation that the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre and Greenwood Health Centre were needed as the local surgeries had outgrown their accommodation and so unable to offer the sufficient health provision to the Burntwood people – why now is it to be closed before the new facility at Cherry Close is open?


Mr Bird confirmed that it was the end of the contract and a commissioning decision has been made to disperse the patient list. It was recognised that the levels of appointments for GPs were challenging and there were a range of approaches to be brought forward but all local practices had confirmed that the physical estate is available recognising that in 2025 the new Burntwood North Centre would be opening.  He said they would need to manage the transitional period and it may be that they need to retain the building at the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre but will be working with the local practices on how best to use it – perhaps host back-office staff and administration so maximising clinical space at the other surgeries to take on the existing patient lists.


·       Mr Bird was asked how confident he was in obtaining planning permission for this period from September 2024 to the opening date of the Burntwood North Centre in 2025 and how confident he was that the opening date would be in 2025 due to the delays encountered at Greenwood Health Centre?


Mr Bird said he was confident in the opening date of 2025 as they were working with Staffordshire County Council like they had done with the Greenwood Health Centre and would need to apply for the planning permission for September 2024 to 2025 as it had not been applied for yet but they would be trying to use this on a transitional basis and working with the local practices on its best use.


·       Members asked why patients had not been consulted before a decision was made as this was a drastic and considerable change for them.


Mr Bird advised that a letter to the contract holder had been sent to highlight the end of the contract date and offer support and all local practices had been approached to confirm they had capacity which were the guidelines from Primary Medical Services/NHS England.  He said at the end of a contract you do not need to consult with the local populations, that would be only if a major service change takes place.  He said they were following the relevant national guidelines set out by Primary Medical Services/NHS England and the Local Medical Committee and local practices had been advised.  He said there was a Communications & Engagement Plan in place to help with the transition for later in 2023/24 which would have to be brought forward now the decision was in the public domain.  He said his colleagues were meeting with the Patients’ Participation Group tomorrow and will be looking at the ideal communications to local populations.


·       Members said a lot of patients were very worried about having to move elsewhere and wondered why the rush? It was stated that there would be no impact on local practices but members knew all practices were short of appointments at the moment as well as being short of GPs.  It was noted that a number of complaints had been received relating to the Darwin Practice at Greenwood Health Centre as patients were being asked to travel to the Lichfield branch and vice-versa.


Mr Bird said he was not aware of the complaints but asked that these be shared with him after the meeting as branch sites were utilised in general practices but the needs of the patient must be borne in mind.  He advised that all the three local surgeries at The Darwin Practice, Salters Meadow Health Centre and The Langton Medical Group - Boney Hay Surgery had advised they had capacity for the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre patients and although patients would be asked to register with a surrounding practice of their choice it may mean that as the Burntwood North Centre at Cherry Close opens the venue of their appointment would change.


·       Members asked if the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre could be a branch site?


Mr Bird said this was not permissible within the guidelines and advised that the current contract holder had asked this with a number of other options but the only options available were those in the stakeholder letter.


·       Members asked for assurance that members can give to patients at the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre that there will be no disruption to their care?


Mr Bird advised that it was always their intention to engage with the local communities and patients 12 months prior to the contract ending.  He said they were willing to help and aimed to minimise the disruption having managed dispersal of practice lists previously elsewhere.  He said the onus was on the patient to register elsewhere as would be personal preference but as it was linked to the decision taken by the ICB they would be supporting all to ensure a smooth dispersal. 


·       Members asked why a short-term contract cannot be offered?


Mr Bird confirmed they were not able to offer this as they cannot offer a one year contract nor extend the current contract.


·       Members had calculated that the additional capacity at Greenwood Health Centre will not take all patients from the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre.  It was known that Burntwood already had a high increased ratio access to healthcare and this was why there was so much concern.


Mr Bird said the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent GP per head ratio was just below average and general practice was being worked on nationally.  He said a General Practice Strategy was currently being worked upon with additional roles/workforce as a central component. He agreed to share this with the committee in a few months and said he would return to a future meeting.


·       Members asked if the existing GP’s would TUPE over to the other practices?


Mr Bird confirmed yes, they would.


·       A lot of concerns were raised by the committee members especially with regards to the continuity of care and highlighted those with complex needs. 


Mr Bird said he would ensure there was support with the transitional period and a plan was being formulated with the contractor and his team and existing local practices to ensure this. 


RESOLVED: The comments and observations be noted and the Chair requested that any further information be shared with this committee to reduce the disruption and asked Mr Bird to return in a couple of months with an update on the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre and the General Practice Strategy.













Supporting documents: