Agenda item

Planning Applications


Applications for permission for development were considered with the
recommendations of the Chief Executive and any letters of representation and
petitions of observations/representations received together with the supplementaryreport of observations/representations received since the publication of the agenda inassociation with Planning Applications 22/01533/FUH, 18/00840/OUTMEI, 21/01595/FULM, 21/01956/OUTFLM, 22/00242/FUL and 22/01179/FUL



22/01533/FUH - Erection of detached double garage (part retrospective)
9 Foden Close, Shenstone, Lichfield, Staffordshire.  WS14 0LE
For: Mr Tom Smith


Following a short adjournment for officers to consider and advise Members on  points raised in the public speaking by Mrs R Bews (Objector), legal advice was given that Members could proceed to determine the Application.  


RESOLVED:-  (1) To rescind the resolution of Planning Committee on the 9th January 2023 to grant planning permission, subject to conditions; and
(2) That this planning application be approved subject to the
conditions contained in the report of the Chief Executive.

(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Mrs Rebecca Bews (Objector), Cllr David Salter (Ward Member) and Mr Tom Smith (Applicant)).



18/00840/OUTMEI - Outline application for up to 210 dwellings, public open space, landscaping, sustainable urban
drainage, access, and associated infrastructure. (All matters reserved except access).
Land North of Browns Lane, Tamworth, Staffordshire.
For:  Summix BLT Developments Ltd


RESOLVED:- That this planning application be deferred to allow consideration of late submissions.



21/01595/FULM - Erection of 30 No. dwellings with access, attenuation basin and associated garaging and works
Land at Burton Road, Streethay, Lichfield.
For:  Mr A Maine


RESOLVED:-  That this planning application be approved subject to the conditions contained in the report of the Chief Executive and


(1)  Subject to the owners/applicants first entering into a S106 to secure the following:


                                                        i.     Education Contribution of £420,513.76 (Index Linked to March 2022);



ii. Offsite Biodiversity Units Contribution of £109,200;
iii. Provision of affordable housing on site;
iv. Off-site highway works;
v. Management and maintenance company for the private internal roads and shared parking areas, public amenity areas and communal areas and drainage system;
vi. Healthcare Contribution of £18,610 (Index linked to March 2022);
vii. Cannock Chase SAC- financial contributions towards mitigation of additional visitors to Cannock Chase SAC of £3,195.38 for 11 dwellings (remaining contributions to be collected via CIL).



(2) If the S106 legal agreement is not signed/completed by 9th April 2023 or the expiration of any further agreed extension of time, then powers to be delegated to officers to refuse planning permission, based on the unacceptability of the development, without the required contributions and undertakings, as outlined in the report.


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Cllr Harry Warburton (Ward Member) and Mr Chris Timothy of CT Planning (Applicant’s Agent)).      



21/01956/OUTFLM - Full application for the construction of 500 dwellings, access via Lichfield Southern Bypass,
footpaths, cycleways, public open space, play areas, sports pitches, landscaping, district park
including biodiversity enhancement area, drainage and development infrastructure (part
retrospective); and OUTLINE application (all matters reserved) for a primary school (F1a), a mixed
use community hub to include commercial development (Ea, Eb, Ec, Sui Generis hot food takeaways
and drinking establishments with expanded food provision) and a community building (F2b).
(Amended description to reflect reduced number of residential properties proposed and
incorporating 169 dwellings (phase 2A) approved and built under 19/00478/REMM).
Land South Of, Shortbutts Lane, Lichfield, Staffordshire
For:  Persimmon Homes West Midlands

During discussions, the Chair recited standing orders regarding the duration of the meeting and members agreed to continue with the meeting.



The Planning officer presented the report and officers responded to questions and comments from Members.     


A motion to refuse the Application based on the overall number of dwellings proposed, the density/design and layout of the development, overall parking provision for the residential development especially where internal garages are provided in phase 2C and the level of parking provision for the sports pitches was lost.


However, Members expressed concerns and sought clarifications on other issues including the following: the impact on ‘Berry Hill House’, potential flooding in respect to Marsh Lane, adequate space for school drop offs, trigger point for school handover, biodiversity and ecology and management of landscape.


RESOLVED:-  That this planning application be deferred and a  report be brought back for officers to respond to the concerns and issues raised by Members.


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Mr Alastair Stewart of Persimmon Homes West Midlands (Applicant)).      



22/00242/FUL - Retention of 2 No. doors and juliet balconies to the western elevation of the building
The Trooper Inn, Watling Street, Wall Village, Lichfield
For:  Mr C Chance


RESOLVED:- Due to the lateness, this planning application was deferred.


22/01179/FUL - Erection of 1 No. bungalow
121 Highfields Road, Chasetown, Burntwood, Staffordshire
For:  Mr A Humphreys


RESOLVED:- Due to the lateness, this planning application was deferred.

Supporting documents: