Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room
Contact: Will Stevenson
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were apologies from Councillor Hugh Ashton and Councillor Laura Ennis. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 01 March 2023, were taken as read and approved as a correct record by the Chair. |
Footpath Diversion No. 42 (part) - Fradley & Streethay Additional documents: Minutes: Robin Carr (Public Rights of Way Consultant) outlined that the application has been made in connection with planning application 19/00555/REMM for the construction of 250 new dwellings and associated infrastructure, provision of football pitches and changing facility. Mr Carr noted that the majority of the diversion between points D and E is where development primarily affects the public right of way. The order would also regularise points A and E onto the walk-line, reducing the need for additional bureaucracy and changes in the longer term.
Members highlighted the importance of clear signage when changing the routes of public footpaths.
Members stated their belief that the houses outlined in the plan had already been constructed. Mr Carr confirmed that if the houses are substantially complete then the committee could not approve these changes to the footpath. Developers would have to begin their application again, using the Highways Act.
It was agreed by the committee and Mr Carr that approval could be given subject to a further site visit to confirm whether construction of the houses was substantially complete.
(A) Subject to a further site visit by Mr Carr to determine whether construction on the site was substantially complete, the committee agreed to the proposals in principle.
(B) The committee gave delegation to the Chair and Assistant Director Operations, Regulation and Enforcement to approve the proposed diversion of Public Footpath No. 42 (part) in the Parish of Fradley and Streethay as set out in Appendix A to allow for necessary development, subject to the findings of the site visit.
Footpath Diversion No. 43 (part) - Fradley & Streethay Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr Carr confirmed that the application has been made in connection with planning application 10/01498/OUTMEI for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide up to 750 new homes, primary school, health centre, nursery, public house, public and private open space, car and cycle parking together with landscaping and associated servicing (all matters reserved except points of access) and under the same application, highway improvement under reference 10/01498/OUTMEI.
RESOLVED: The committee approved the proposed diversion of Public Footpath No. 43 (part) in the Parish of Fradley and Streethay as set out in Appendix A to allow for necessary development. |
Presentation on the functions delivered by Regulation and Enforcement Minutes: James Johnson (Regulation & Enforcement Manager) gave a presentation of the functions delivered by Regulation and Enforcement. These included; Food and Health & Safety team; Environmental Protection and Private Sector Housing; Licensing; Community Safety and Partnerships; Emergency Planning.
In response to member questions, Mr Johnson confirmed that two officers are employed with a set number of hours to patrol dog fouling/litter, though the aim is to have a higher visibility presence to deter offences. He confirmed that in relation to empty homes, greater success is achieved via the enforced sale powers instead of compulsory purchase powers. He outlined environment crime as fly tipping, litter, flyposting, etc. The district council do regulate industry through permitting, with conditions attached to permits. Waste and smoke control are also regulated, though the Environment Agency generally regulate waters. |