Agenda and decisions

Venue: The Committee Room

Contact: Mark Hooper 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest


Governance of Planning Obligations - Strategic Infrastructure Group and Allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Additional documents:


  The Cabinet approved:


1.1          The revised membership of SIG in Table 1 of the Cabinet report.

1.2       The creation an annual ‘Infrastructure List’ within the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) which would set out a shortlist of strategic projects and/or types of projects that would be eligible for applications for CIL funding that year.


1.3      The revised CIL governance and administration procedures (Appendix A of the Cabinet report), and the allocation and spend of CIL additional guidance (Appendix B of the Cabinet report) documents to reflect the proposed changes.


Local Plan Update pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Additional documents:


  The Cabinet:


1.1                Noted the initial work that has started on a new local plan following the successful withdrawal of the Local Plan 2040.


1.2                Approved the publication of the revised Local Development Scheme 2024 (Appendix A of the Cabinet report).


1.3                Approved the proposal to establish ‘Local Plan Member Briefing and Information Sessions’.


1.4                Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Housing & Local Plan, in consultation with the Policy & Strategy Manager for the following:



                Update and publish the council’s Local Development Scheme as required when the timetable for local plan progression has changed.

                Review and publish on the council’s website the technical studies that form the evidence base that will underpin the new local plan when it becomes available.

                Review and agree to the submission of formal responses on behalf of the council on neighbouring authorities local plan consultations, neighbourhood plan consultations, national government consultations or other consultations on plan-making matters where appropriate, and to sign agreements with neighbouring authorities on plan-making matters including Statements of Common Ground.


Sale of 29 to 33 Levetts Field, Lichfield pdf icon PDF 153 KB

Additional documents:


  The Cabinet:


1.1          Accepted the offer detailed within confidential APPENDIX B of the Cabinet report and agreed to the disposal of 29 to 33 Levetts Field, Lichfield.

1.2      Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Commissioning and the Assistant Director Finance and Commissioning to complete all legal agreements necessary to complete the disposal.


1.3       Recommended to Council to update the Medium Term Financial Strategy to include a project in the Capital Programme of up to £250,000 for Strategic Priorities within the District funded by the net capital receipt.



Exclusion of Public and Press

RESOLVED: “That as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, which would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972”





Confidential Appendix - Sale of 29 to 33 Levetts Field, Lichfield