Agenda and decisions
Venue: The Council Chamber
Contact: Mark Hooper
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Lichfield City Centre Car Parking Strategy Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet: 1.1. Approved the Car Parking Strategy (Appendix A of the Cabinet report) and Project Delivery Action Plan (Appendix B of the Cabinet report).
1.2. Recommended that Council:
a) Allocate an additional £650,000 to the Medium Term Financial Strategy (£630,000 in the Capital Programme and £20,000 in the revenue budget detailed in the financial implications section) for the delivery of interventions contained in the Project Delivery Action Plan. b) Fund these projects through either external funding or in the event this is not available, from the car park earmarked reserve. |
Lichfield City Centre Public Realm Strategy Additional documents:
Decision: 1.1. Agreed the principles for the public realm set out in the Public Realm Strategy at Appendix A of the Cabinet Report and the Executive Summary attached at Appendix B of the Cabinet report;
1.2. Agreed the initial list and prioritisation of projects included in the high-level work programme as set out at pages 92-97 of the Strategy;
1.3. Agreed to delegate authority to the Cabinet Member responsible for Major Projects, in consultation with the Head of Economic Growth and Development, to engage with partners, landowners and funders to implement actions and activity agreed by the Project Board in the Public Realm Strategy, except for projects and programmes that need further Cabinet or Council consideration and approval.
A Better Council Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet: 1.1. Approved the organisational change programme, Being a Better Council 2021 – 2024.
1.2. Approved a capital budget of £750,000 over the period of the programme (2021/22 – 2023/24) with funding provided by reallocating existing capital projects already identified within the MTFS, to implement the programme.
Dual Stream Recycling - Procurement of Receptacles & Associated Financial Matters Additional documents: Decision: The Cabinet: 1.1. Recommended that Council increase the Capital Programme in the Medium Term Financial Strategy for the purchase of bags/bins in 2021/22 to £329k. This will be funded by a contribution of £41,000 from Tamworth and the Council’s share of £59,000, both from the Joint Waste Service’s Property Growth Reserve.
1.2. Delegated the awarding of the contract for the provision of kerbside recycling bags to the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Recycling and the Head of Service for Operational Services.