Agenda and decisions
Venue: Online
Contact: Mark Hooper
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Local Plan Review 2040 Publication (Regulation 19) consultation Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet
1.1 Agreed to the publication of the Local Plan 2040 publication document and accompanying policy maps for the purposes of public consultation with dates for public consultation yet to be decided due to current restrictions around Covid-19 and submission for Examination in Public thereafter. Consultation would take place as soon as is practicably possible in the spring, taking into account ongoing restrictions due to Covid-19.
1.2 Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Visitor Economy & Local Plan in consultation with the Head of Economic Growth and Development to agree the dates and strategy for the consultation having regard to national regulations and the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), make any changes to the appearance, format and text of the Local Plan 2040 publication document or the supporting documents prior to consultation in the interests of clarity and accuracy.
1.3 Noted that the Local Plan 2040 publication document would be brought back before Cabinet if future evidence indicated the need for significant changes to the Local Plan 2040 publication document for further detailed consideration. It may also be necessary to return to Cabinet should the Covid-19 pandemic continue longer than expected and this had a substantial impact upon the gathering of the final elements of the evidence base. |
Money Matters 2020/21: Review of the Financial Performance against the Financial Strategy April to November 2020 Additional documents: Decision: 1.1 The Cabinet noted the report and issues raised within and that Leadership Team with Cabinet Members would continue to closely monitor and manage the Medium Term Financial Strategy. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy (Revenue and Capital) Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet agreed to
1.1 Delegate responsibility to the Cabinet Member for Finance, Procurement, Customer Services and Revenues & Benefits and the Head of Finance and Procurement to identify and implement alternative funding sources within the approved budget framework to enable the early repayment of the Burntwood Capital Investment of £979,000 in the event planned sources are not available.
Cabinet agreed to recommend to Council for approval
1.2 The 2021/22 Revenue Budget, including the Amount to be met from Government Grants and Local Taxpayers of £11,951,000 and a proposed level of Council Tax (the District Council element) for 2021/22 of £185.07 (an increase of £5.00 or 2.78%) for a Band D equivalent property.
1.3 The MTFS 2020-25 Revenue Budgets and 25 year Revenue Budget model.
1.4 The MTFS 2020-25 Capital Strategy including the 25 year capital investment model and the Capital Programme.
1.5 The Minimum Revenue Provision Statement for 2021/22, at APPENDIX D, which sets out the Council’s policy of using the asset life method for making prudent provision for debt redemption.
1.6 Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2021/22 including proposed limits. The only change being proposed is based on Arlingclose advice to remove the £21m overall investment limit for Money Market Funds to manage credit and liquidity risk.
1.7 The plan to undertake a further Strategic Fund investment up to £2m.
1.8 The Investment Strategy Report (APPENDIX F) including the proposed limits for 2021/22.
1.9 The Capital and Treasury Prudential Indicators for 2020-25 in the financial implications section.
1.10 The Authorised Limit Prudential Indicator shown within the financial implications section.
1.11 The CFO’s report on the robustness of the Budget and adequacy of Reserves in compliance with the requirements and duties that the Local Government Act 2003 in relation to how the Authority sets and monitors its Budgets. |
Acceptance of Decarbonisation Grant Funding Decision: The Leader of the Council has agreed that this item be considered as a matter of urgency in order to comply with the grant scheme’s timescales.
The Cabinet agreed
1.1 That Lichfield District Council accept the grant award of £262,558 and payment via section 31 for the purpose of Decarbonisation of DCH and The Pavilion, and that Cabinet accept that at the time of writing this report no official offer of the grant had been received. This would occur when the acceptance of payment by section 31 has been confirmed to Salix.
1.2 To delegate authority to the Head of Finance and Procurement (Section 151 Officer) to complete and sign all agreements related to acceptance of any grant award.
1.3 To recommend to Council that the Medium Term Financial Strategy (including the Capital Programme, relevant Prudential Indicators and Balance Sheet Projections) be updated following the acceptance of any grant offer to include a new project that will be funded by the grant award of £262,558. |
Payroll Contract Additional documents: Decision: 1.1 Cabinet agreed to approve the award of the payroll processing contract to the preferred supplier. |
Exclusion of Public and Press RESOLVED: “That as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, which would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972” |
Confidential Appendix to Item 6 (Payroll Contract) This item is to be considered in private since it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information (as defined by Paragraph 3, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the financial interests of the council and the financial and business affairs of other organisations. |