Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Mark Hooper
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence (if any) |
Declarations of interest |
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 231 KB |
Chairman's Announcements |
Minutes of the Strategic (Overview and Scrutiny) Committee PDF 207 KB |
Minutes of Audit & Member Standards Committee PDF 175 KB The Chairman of the Audit & Member Standards Committee to move that the proceedings of the meeting held on 12 November be received and, where necessary, approved and adopted.
Additional documents: |
Minutes of Planning Committee PDF 113 KB The Chairman of the Planning Committee to move that the proceedings of the meeting held on 16 November be received and, where necessary, approved and adopted.
Events & Festivals Policy To approve the recommendations of Cabinet made on 6 October 2020 in connection with the Events and Festivals Policy:
(ii) That the Medium Term Financial Strategy be updated to include a supplementary budget of £20,000 per annum to help meet the costs of new events intended to support local communities across the district.
Revision of Street Trading Policy PDF 270 KB To approve the amended Street Trading Policy (report attached). Additional documents: |
Statement of Licensing Policy - Licensing Act 2003 PDF 365 KB To adopt the Statement of Licensing Policy (report attached). Additional documents: |
Membership of Outside Bodies To approve the appointment of Councillor Leytham to replace Councillor Cox on the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership Joint Scrutiny Committee.
Motions on Notice (A) The following Motion has been proposed by Councillor Ho: That Lichfield District Council: i)Proclaim its support for the Slow Ways project in its goal to create a network of walking routes that connect all of Great Britain’s towns and cities as well as thousands of villages. ii)Further recognise that the Slow Ways project
iii)Will therefore encourage residents to
(B) The following Motion has been proposed by Councillor Pullen:
"This Council acknowledges the extraordinary efforts made by employees of Lichfield District Council in 2020, and notes that many will have their pay frozen in the year 2021-2022. In light of this pay freeze, it resolves that all Councillor Allowances are also frozen until May 2022 at the earliest".
(C) The following Motion has been proposed by Councillor Ball:
"This Council deplores the very poor performance of the two Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) covering our District, with South East Staffordshire CCG, recorded as "Inadequate" for the past three years, and East Staffordshire CCG performing slightly better, moving from "Good" to "Requires Improvement" over the last year, and resolves to write to our two local MPs, asking them what they personally have done over that period to push for improvements and what else they will do personally in the future. In addition, this Council resolves to write to Staffordshire County Council, to ask what they have done over that period to push for improvements and what else they will do in the future. Finally, this Council agrees that the appropriate CCG representatives from both CCGs should be invited to the Community, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to inform members about both CCGs' performance and asked what plans they have to improve the situation."
To answer any questions under Procedure Rule 11.2