Venue: Committee Room
Contact: Christine Lewis
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Cllrs Evans and Vernon. |
Declarations of Interest |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 55 KB Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were signed and approved as a true record. |
Planning Applications PDF 3 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The Application for permission for development were considered with the recommendation of the Planning Management & Transformation Consultant and any letters of representation and petitions of observations/representations received in association with Planning Application 23/00516/FUH, 23/01040/COTFLM and 23/01216/COUM.
23/00516/FUH - 29 Alrewas Road Kings Bromley.
RESOLVED: That the application be Refused for reasons as outlined in the report and updated within the supplementary report.
(Prior to Consideration of the Application, Representations were made by Paul Till (Objector) and Councillor Richard Cox (Ward Member)).
23/01040/OUTFLM - Lichfield South Business Park Birmingham Road Wall.
RESOLVED: In line with the additional updates within the supplementary report and subject to referral and ‘no call in’ from the Secretary of State that the application be Approved, subject to completion of a S106 TCPA 1990 agreement to secure the following: 1. Highways Contribution of £100,000.00 for bus stop improvements in the location 2. Land Transfer at site frontage required as highway maintainable at public expense at new position of the north bound bus stop 3. Travel plan fee of £15,000.00 for monitoring and management of Travel Plan And to conditions outlined in the report.
(Prior to Consideration of the Application, Representations were made by Mr David Onions (Applicant Agent)).
23/01216/COUM - Former Debenhams and 36-44 Bakers Lane Lichfield.
RESOLVED: That the application be Approved subject to conditions.
(Prior to Consideration of the Application, Representations were made by Bernice Eisner (Objector) and Matthew Sobic (Applicant Agent)).