Decision details
IT Strategy - scaffolding and interim support
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Commissioning
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To award a contract for the provision of interim scaffolding and IT support.
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Commissioning:
1.1. Awarded a contract to Razorblue Ltd to provide 12 months (with an option to extend to 15 months) support to the council to both scaffold and provide additional resilience into the existing IT team, as well as deliver a range of baseline transformation projects. The contact award will be subject to a positive reference check.
1.2. Allowed repurposing of the existing ICT (vacant roles) salary budget to fund the support scaffolding contract across the 12 – 15 month period.
1.3. Utilised the £175k ICT transformation reserve to fund the baseline transformation project work and other works within the scope of the contract to achieve the ICT vision for Being A Better Council.
Publication date: 02/12/2022
Date of decision: 02/12/2022
Effective from: 10/12/2022
Accompanying Documents: