Decision details
Medium Term Financial Strategy
Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
• To recommend to Council updates to the Medium Term Financial Strategy
• Cabinet delegates to the Cabinet Member for Finance, Procurement and Benefits
The Cabinet:
1.1 Recommended to Council to approve an update to the Medium Term Financial Strategy to include the additional net investment needs of £1,263,000 identified at paras 3.22 and 3.23 of the Cabinet report
1.2 Delegated, to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Commissioning, responsibility to agree the form and timetable for the Budget Consultation covering 2023/24.
Report author: Anthony Thomas
Publication date: 12/07/2022
Date of decision: 11/07/2022
Decided at meeting: 11/07/2022 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: