Decision details
Calculation of Business Rates 2020/21, Council Tax Base for 2020/21 and the Projected Collection Funded Surplus/Deficit for 2019/20
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the calculation of the Council
Taxbase for 2020/21.
To delegate authority to the Cabinet Member and Chief Financial
Officer to complete and certify the NNDR1 for 2020/21 on behalf of
the Council.
To note the projected Council Tax and Business Rates Collection
Fund surplus or deficit for 2019/20.
The Cabinet:
1.1 Approved in accordance with the relevant legislation and regulations, the Council Taxbase (BandD residential properties) for Lichfield District for the financial year 2020/21 of 39,032.3.
1.2 Noted the estimated Council Tax Collection fund Surplus of (£1,519,520)and the estimated BusinessRates Collection Fund surplus of (£303,200)for 2019/20.
1.3 Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement and the Chief FinancialOfficer (Section 151) to complete and certify the NNDR1 for 2020/21 on behalf of the Council.
Report author: Anthony Thomas
Publication date: 05/12/2019
Date of decision: 03/12/2019
Decided at meeting: 03/12/2019 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: