Councillor Wai-Lee Ho

Profile image for Councillor Wai-Lee Ho

Party: The Conservative Party

Political grouping: Conservative Group

Ward: Highfield

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
C/O Governance
Lichfield District Council
Frog Lane
WS13 6YY


Download Councillor Wai-Lee Ho contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 02/05/2019 -

Additional Information

What motivated you to become a councillor?


I have a great sense of duty to give back to the community that cared for and nurtured me as a child. Also, becoming a dad has motivated me to help keep our community a safe and pleasant place to raise a family.



Background outside the council


My family has owned and operated restaurants in the district since the 1970s and I joined the family business when I returned from University in 2010. I've worked in our family business ever since apart from a year where I worked in the Financial Services Industry. I returned to the family business when COVID hit to help it survive and thrive again in the aftermath of lockdown.



Hobbies or interests


I have trained in martial arts since the age of 6. I started with Kung Fu because my dad use to teach it to locals in Burntwood. I'm also trained in Judo and Brazilian Jui Jitsu. I enjoy going to Christ Church's Coffee Morning every first Monday of the month to chat with local residents and to keep some people a little bit of company. The thing I enjoy most is spending time with my family.
