Councillor David Salter
Party: The Conservative Party
Political grouping: Conservative Group
Ward: Shenstone
More information about this councillor
Contact information
Phone: 0121 3084421
Mobile: 07956 142215
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Committee appointments
- Council
- Member Standards Committee
- Planning CommitteeLichfield District Council
- Regulatory and Licensing Committee
Additional Information
What motivated you to become a councillor?
I have, for all of my adult life, been involved with various charities and societies and it was my involvement as a member of one particular charity, the Little Aston Recreation Ground Association (LARGA), which led me to become a Parish Councillor back in 2003. The founder and chair of LARGA was herself a longstanding Parish Councillor and suggested that I would be good in the job.
I have been a member of the LARGA committee for almost 30 years and for the past 5 years have been its Chairman. During my years as a member of Shenstone Parish Council I served as its Chairman in 2008-10, 2014-16 and currently since 2018. The satisfaction I got from being able to help people, even sometimes only in a small way, as their representative, and also to have been part of a body which does things to better peoples lives was sufficient encouragement for me to stand for election as District Ward Member for Shenstone when the opportunity arose in 2011.
Background outside the council
Although born into, and through to my early 20's worked in, the family business of Ironmongery and Hardware which my father had started in 1947, my heart was really elsewhere. From a very young age I wanted to be an entertainer. In infant and junior school, I was always given the lead rolls in the school plays. At the age of just 7, whilst performing with a local dance group and also playing the accordion, I was 'talent spotted' by members of a touring concert party - The Buccaneers Variety Artists (who are still going 60 years on). I remained with the group for 15 years during which time I participated in sketches, plays, musical numbers etc. in over 300 shows, all for charity. At the age of 15 I built my first mobile disco system and by 21 I was also an accomplished and established magician and I turned semi-pro. In 1992 I became a full time professional entertainer, officially retiring from it in 2014 although it still runs in my blood. As examples: I help to organise and run, and I compere the 3000 ticket festival - Party in the Park (Littleastonbury) which supports the LARGA site and is now in its 12th year, and, I am the officially appointed Town Crier for Shenstone and its Wards.
Hobbies or interests
Hobbies include DIY, carpentry, mechanics and electronics. I live by the 3 M's...make, mend and modify. I collect unusual and 'gadget' walking sticks (I have about 80). I also have a huge (over 200) collection of costumes, uniforms and fancy dress, many of which I make myself. I am also heavily involved with wildlife and conservation, I was for many years a licenced rehabilitation keeper (LRK) for injured birds of prey. My main interest at the moment is researching and unravelling the history and development of our house in Wales which was originally built in 1583.