Councillor Miles Trent
Party: Liberal Democrats
Political grouping: Liberal Democrat Group
Ward: Chadsmead
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Mobile: 07789 954875
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Additional Information
What motivated you to become a councillor?
I wanted to do my bit to help our local community, and to play my part in helping our wonderful district to continue to flourish. As a working parent of young children, I also wanted to ensure that my demographic was represented in the makeup of the Council; it is so important that the council reflects the community which it serves. I also wanted the chance to bring values of fairness and tolerance to my role as councillor; and the chance to join the Council's efforts to address the significant challenges of the times, including the cost of living crisis and the climate emergency.
Background outside the council
I have lived in Chadsmead Ward in Lichfield for the last nine years with my wife and two young children. I have a legal background, and have worked for the last 18 years as a criminal lawyer in an independent public body which is funded by the Ministry of Justice. Before that I worked as an advocate at Asylum and Immigration appeal hearings in London. I also worked for a year as a teacher in Nanjing in China, in 2004 (and I have retained some Mandarin Chinese).
Hobbies or interests
I am a keen guitarist and have played in a number of bands over the years. I also enjoy writing short stories, when time allows!