Issue details

Revised Housing Assistance Policy 2023

This report seeks approval of an updated Housing Assistance Policy 2023. It replaces the previous Housing Assistance Policy 2021 and will apply to all new applications from 1 April 2023. The policy sets out how Lichfield District Council (the Council) will offer financial help for improving and adapting homes in the district, together with the conditions and eligibility criteria associated with each type of assistance. Its aim is to support residents to improve their health and wellbeing by addressing problems with unsuitable homes that do not meet their needs. The main changes are:


·       Increasing the value of Discretionary Disabled Facilities Grant Assistance to £30,000

·       Inclusion of a second residence grant

·       Amendments to the Discretionary Contributions Grant criteria to bring them in line with social care funding eligibility criteria.

·       The introduction of a defined mechanism through which exceptional cases which exceed the policy-based funding might be considered, in line with best practice as outlined in the DFG Guidance 2022[1].


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/03/2023

Decision due: March 2023 by Cabinet Member for Housing, Ecology and Climate Change

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing, Ecology and Climate Change

Contact: Simon Fletcher, Chief Executive Email:, Lucy Robinson, Housing & Wellbeing Manager Email: Tel: 01543 308710.

