Election results for Whittington and Streethay

Local - District & Parish - Thursday, 4th May, 2023

Whittington and Streethay - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Richard Holland The Conservative Party 741 15% Elected
Claire Estelle Booker Labour Party 733 15% Elected
Andrew Philip Rushton Liberal Democrats 727 15% Elected
Alan George White The Conservative Party 724 15% Not elected
Harry Albert Warburton The Conservative Party 694 14% Not elected
Jennifer Delorus Mackintosh Labour Party 643 13% Not elected
Mark Geoffrey Pritchard Labour Party 546 11% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 4808
Electorate 5495
Number of ballot papers issued 1836
Number of ballot papers rejected 39
Turnout 33%
Share of the votes (%)
Richard Holland 15% Elected
Claire Estelle Booker 15% Elected
Andrew Philip Rushton 15% Elected
Alan George White 15% Not elected
Harry Albert Warburton 14% Not elected
Jennifer Delorus Mackintosh 13% Not elected
Mark Geoffrey Pritchard 11% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Unmarked or void for uncertainty39
Total rejected39