Election results for Hammerwich with Wall

Local - District & Parish - Thursday, 4th May, 2023

Hammerwich with Wall - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Janice Silvester-Hall The Conservative Party 509 28% Elected
Leona Leung The Conservative Party 489 27% Elected
Carolyn Gittings Labour Party 447 25% Not elected
Lorna McGinty Labour Party 374 21% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 1819
Electorate 3385
Number of ballot papers issued 974
Number of ballot papers rejected 6
Turnout 29%
Share of the votes (%)
Janice Silvester-Hall 28% Elected
Leona Leung 27% Elected
Carolyn Gittings 25% Not elected
Lorna McGinty 21% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Unmarked or void for uncertainty6
Total rejected6