The Cabinet:
1.1 Approved the spend of commuted sums and Right to Buy receipts, projected to the end of the current financial year, on delivering new temporary accommodation in the district and to delegate the selection of units to the Cabinet Member for Housing & the Local Plan, S151 Officer and Assistant Director for Customer, Resident & Business Services, subject to a completed options appraisal (see recommendation 2.3 of the Cabinet report) and council approval of recommendation 2.4 of the Cabinet report.
1.2 Requested the purchase, refitting and management of the properties purchased using the funding agreed, for the purpose of delivering new temporary accommodation is carried out by the council’s wholly owned company LWM Traded Services Ltd.
1.3 Acknowledged that a wrap-around support package will be required to ensure the welfare of individuals and families placed in the temporary accommodation units and the ongoing maintenance and management of units delegates the delivery of an options appraisal into the most effective support package delivery model to the Cabinet Member for Housing & the Local Plan, the S151 Officer and Assistant Director for Customer, Resident & Business Services, subject to the costs of the delivery being within approved budgets.
1.4 Recommended to Council to increase the approved budget in the capital programme for new temporary accommodation in the district by £979,000 from £1,178,000 to £2,157,000 with funding provided by additional projected housing capital receipts of (£979,000). Future commuted sums and capital receipts may be allocated to further affordable housing as part of the normal budget monitoring process.