Issue - decisions

Planning Service Transformation

06/09/2023 - Planning Transformation Plan

The Cabinet:


1.1         Approved the high-level proposals set out in section 4 of the Cabinet report to transform the planning service.


1.2         Delegated implementation of the proposals, including the potential to utilise the council’s wholly owned trading company to deliver and enhance elements of the planning service, to the Leader of the Council, Assistant Director of Customer, Resident & Business and Assistant Director of Finance & Commissioning (Section 151), in particular where doing so will deliver a more strategic, robust and welcoming approach to major developments and is within existing budgets.



Councillor Farrell declared a personal interest as a Director of LWM Traded Services Ltd.


Simon Fletcher, Chief Executive, declared a personal interest as a Director of LWM Traded Services Ltd.


Kerry Dove, Chief Operating Officer, declared a personal interest as a Director of LWM Traded Services Ltd.