Issue - decisions

Money Matters 2021/22 : Review of the Financial Performance against the Financial Strategy April to November 2021

07/12/2021 - Money Matters 2021/22: Review of the Financial Performance Against the Financial Strategy

The Cabinet:

1.1.  Noted the Cabinet report and issues raised within and that Leadership Team with Cabinet Members will continue to closely monitor and manage the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


1.2.  Accepted the funding from the Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme of £165,898 (capital £140,000 and revenue £25,898) and approved an update to the Medium Term Financial Strategy to reflect the grant funding income and matching expenditure.


1.3.   Approved the further allocations of funding from the Risk and Recovery Budget detailed at paragraph 3.9 and 3.10 of the Cabinet report totalling £52,600.