1.1 The
Noted the progress made in moving the masterplan-related work forward
Approved the proposed approach to implementation of
the Masterplan proposals in regards to
the production of a Delivery Plan and its associated proposed
Approved the proposed Governance Structure and terms
of reference for the Project Board and Member Task & Finish
Group as set out a para 3.11 and Appendix 1 to the Cabinet
Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Major
Projects and Economic Growth, in consultation with the Head of
Economic Growth and Development to implement actions and activity
agreed by the Project Board save for those matters which require
Cabinet or Council consideration and approval.
2.2 The Cabinet
recommended Council to:
Approve the proposed revenue budget of
£330,000 (£160,000 in 2020/21 and £170,000 in
2021/22) to take forward Phase 1 of the project.
Approved the proposed revenue budget being funded by
£100,000 from the BRS earmarked reserve and the balance of
£230,000 being funded from the Multi Storey Car Park Sinking