Committee details

Audit Committee

Purpose of committee

To deal with specific internal audit reports and the main issues arising, and seek assurance that action has been taken where necessary, as requested.

To consider the internal control environment and the level of assurance that may be given as to its effectiveness, to include the review of the Annual Governance Statement and to approve if appropriate the Annual Governance Statement and recommended its adoption by the Council.

To review and approve the annual statement of accounts.  Specifically, to consider whether appropriate accounting policies have been followed and whether there are concerns arising from the financial statements or from the audit that need to be brought to the attention of the Council.

To consider and make recommendations regarding the Council’s treasury management activity.  To also review the Council’s annual treasury management strategy prior to its adoption at full Council

To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of the Members’ Code of Conduct and monitor it.

Other functions relating to standards of conduct of members under any relevant provision of, or regulations made under, the Local Government Act 2000

To consider Ombudsman Reports




Contact information

Support officer: Will Stevenson.

Phone: 01543 308199
