Agenda item

Submission of Local Plan Allocations Document for Independent Examination to the Secretary of State


          The Cabinet:


1.1     Approved the Local Plan Allocations document (APPENDIX A[1]), the accompanying Policies Map (APPENDIX B[2]) and the Regulation 19 Focused changes consultation document (Local Plan Allocations (APPENDIX C) and Policies map (APPENDIX D) for submission to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination.


1.2     Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Environment & Development Services in consultation with the Head of Economic Growth to make any minor changes to the appearance, format and text of the Local Plan Allocations Document or the supporting documents prior to submission in the interests of clarity and accuracy.


1.3     Noted the summary of representations and approve the Council’s suggested responses (APPENDIX E) to the consultation on the Local Plan Allocations Focused Changes document. 


1.4     Approved the supporting submission documents which accompany the Local Plan Allocations as set out in Table 4 of the Cabinet report.


1.5     Approved the submission of the Local Plan Allocations March – May 2018 consultation document (APPENDIX F & Map), responses received (APPENDIX G) and summary of responses (APPENDIX H).


1.6     Noted the contents of paragraph 3.12 of the Cabinet report which identifies additional documents which may be of benefit to the Planning Inspectorate. Cabinet have previously received these documents at its meeting on 5th December 2018.


1.7     Noted that the Planning Inspectorate may request the need for additional documents to be submitted prior and during the Examination process. To enable timely submission it is recommended Cabinet provide delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Environment & Development Services in consultation with the Head of Economic Growth to submit any requested documents.    


[1] Reflects the proposed minor modifications

[2] Reflects the proposed minor modifications

Supporting documents: