A first draft Cabinet report is attached to aid discussion and input from Overview & Scrutiny.
The Committee received a draft report on proposals to establish a Lichfield District Youth Council. It was reported that the proposal was part of the approved Community Power Strategy to develop reciprocal relationships and combine
institutional and community expertise’ with a traditionally ‘hard to reach’ part of our community. The proposals and draft constitution of a potential Youth Council were presented to the Committee by the Cabinet Member for Community Engagement. The Chair of the Committee reported that during a recent visit to the Council House, he met with a student undertaking work experience with the Governance team and that this student gave their opinion and thoughts on the proposals.
The following views were given
· That largely, the Committee were supportive of the proposal of a District Youth Council
· That there needed to be clear definitions of the role of the Youth Council
· That updates be reported to the Committee during the pilot scheme.
· That some pupils leave school at year 11 to attend college and so needs to be considered.
· That other authorities be looked to for best practice ideas to help.
· That local youth debating groups also be considered as possible members although it needs to ensure that all types of young people and not just those higher performing academics are included.
· That also the age range of 11-18 would be inclusive, there would be risk of the younger children being fearful of speaking up in front of their older peers.
· That using SCC’s School planning areas may help to define what schools to consider as some Lichfield resident pupils may attend Tamworth or Rugerley schools.
· Ensure Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils are elected.
· Ensure there is enough support from Officers including outreach work.
· That inclusion of special educational needs schools be considered.
The following questions were asked
· Was there a risk of missing the views of young people that are home schooled? It was agreed to look at this further as it was a good point.
· How safeguarding issues would be dealt with? There was no mention of DBS checks or similar. It was reported that as it was proposed to be dealt with via schools, safeguarding would be dealt with via those organisations
· Which schools would be the founding ones as mentioned in the report? It was reported that it would be an initial pilot scheme of two schools with the hope of rolling out quickly. It was envisioned that it would one school from Lichfield and one from Burntwood and it was noted that there was an interested school from Burntwood already.
· Was 6 pupils from each school correct and representative?
· What controls would be in place for the proposed allocated budget to protect the young people from allegations of inappropriate use of funds as it is public money and cannot afford to expose them to those risks. It was reported that Officers would keep a close eye on the budget and finances. It was noted that the budget would start at £10k and increase if required. One key need from that budget would be to provide transport for those who would not be able to attend otherwise to ensure no one was disenfranchised. It was confirmed that this would be contracted out.
· How will they get involved in the first instance? Will the school do elections
· How will success of the pilot be measured? It was reported that it would be developed over time and would be reported back to O&S. It was noted that Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services had and would provide support and training would be imperative. It was noted that expectations would have to be managed as not all wishes and views of the Youth Council would be deliverable.
· Why has a youth council been considered first as part of the Community Power Strategy? It was reported that the youth was a largely under representative section of the community who could not be elected as Councillors to give views.
· What services is it envisioned would be improved by the introduction of a Youth Council? It was reported that all services of the Council affected young people if not now but in the future.
RESOLVED: That the views of the Committee be considered by Cabinet the item return to the Committee for review when required.
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