Agenda item

Planning Applications


Applications for permission for development were considered with the recommendations of the Head of Economic Growth and Development and any letters of representation and petitions of observations/representations in association with Planning Application 20/00843/COU.


20/00843/COU - Coogee Nursery 17 Burnett Road Streetly

Change of use from existing dwelling (c3) to children’s nursery (d1) in order to increase the size and occupancy of an existing children’s nursery, including alterations and extension to existing building and associated works.

FOR:  Little Ripley Day Nurseries LTD


RESOLVED: That this planning application be approved subject to proposed additional conditions. Wording of additional conditions reads as follows:


Condition 17 - The nursery shall only be open for custom between the hours of 7.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays inclusive and shall not operate at weekends or on Bank or Public Holidays.


Condition 18 - The nursery's outdoor play area is not to be used until after 8.30am. Permitted hours to use the outdoor play area will be from 8.30 until 18:00 Monday to Friday only and not on Sundays or Bank and Public Holidays.


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Mr William Daly (Objector) and Mr Paul Harris, Cerda Planning, (Planning Agent). Written representations were also received from Councillor Joseph Powell (Ward Member) and read aloud to the committee)




21/00605/FUL - 164 Cannock Road, Chase Terrace Burntwood WS71JZ

Erection of 1no detached two bedroom bungalow with associated parking and amenity plus creation of 2no parking spaces for existing dwelling.

FOR: Mr & Mrs O Carter


RESOLVED: That this planning application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report of the Head of Economic Growth and Development, with an additional condition that power be delegated to officers ensure appropriate hedgehog mitigation routes.


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Mr Otto de Weijer, Dutch Architecture (Planning Agent). Written representations were also received from Mrs Sarah Howson (Objector) and read aloud to the committee)




21/00567/FUL- Land rear of 79, Ironstone Road, Burntwood, Staffordshire

Erection of 1no detached two bedroom bungalow

FOR: Mr J Fisher


RESOLVED: That this planning application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report of the Head of Economic Growth and Development, with an additional condition that power be delegated to officers ensure appropriate hedgehog mitigation routes.




21/00456/OUT- Unit 1, Mount Road, Burntwood, Staffordshire

Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of up to seven 2-bedroom dwellings, with parking and associated works including the demolition of the existing industrial unit.

FOR: Mr Steven Buckley

Refusal of the application was proposed by Councillor Birch and seconded by Councillor Tapper under the following reasons:

-       Proposals are contrary to Core Policy 7 of the Local Plan Strategy. Do not believe the proposals comply with sustainable development in the Burntwood area due to the loss of employment land.

The result was a tied vote (5 for, 5 against) and the Chair subsequently voted against refusal, in favour of the officers original recommendations.

RESOLVED: That this planning application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report of the Head of Economic Growth and Development.


Supporting documents: