Agenda item

Planning Applications


Applications for permission for development were considered with the recommendations of the Director of Place and Community and any letters of representation and petitions of observations/representations together with a supplementary report of observations/representations received since the publication of the agenda in association with Planning Applications 18/00078/OUTMEI, 19/00053/FULM, 19/00339/FUL, 19/00550/FUL, 19/00936/COU and 19/00931/COU.


18/00078/OUTMEI – Outline application for a mixed use development comprising of 184 residential dwellings (Class C3) including self-build properties and independent living, 122 care and assisted living dwellings (Class C2), and the creation of a 2,699 sq m. Neighbourhood Centre, including a retail unit (Class A1), Public House/Café (Class A4/A3), Gym (Class D2), Medical Facilities (Class D1) and Day Nursery (Class D1) with associated works (Outline: all matters reserved except access).

Midland Pig Producers Ltd, Hay End Lane, Fradley, Lichfield

For: Mr J T Leavesley


RESOLVED:- That planning permission be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.    The site lies in the countryside, outside settlement boundary for the village of Fradley and is not allocated for residential development.  The proposal is therefore contrary to the spatial delivery requirements of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy.  Furthermore, by reason of its scale and location, the proposal would constitute an unsustainable form of development.  As such, the proposal is contrary to Core Policies 1 (The Spatial Strategy), 3 (Delivering Sustainable Development), and 6 (Housing Delivery), and Policy Frad4 (Fradley Housing) of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy; Policy F1 (Fradley Housing Land Allocations) of the Local Plan Allocations Document; Policy FRANP1 of the Fradley Neighbourhood Plan; and, the National Policy Framework.


2.    The proposed development by reason of its potential siting and scale would cause less than substantial harm to the setting of the adjacent Coventry Canal, a non-designated heritage asset, contrary to the requirements of Core Policies 1 (The Spatial Strategy), 13 (Our Natural Resources) and 14 (Our Built and Historic Environment) and Policy BE1 (High Quality Development) of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy (2015), Policy BE2 (Heritage Assets) of the Local Plan Allocations Document, the adopted Supplementary Planning Document: Historic Environment and the National Planning Policy Framework.


3.    The applicant has failed to submit a Sequential Test to demonstrate that the main town centre uses proposed within the development are acceptable within this location, and that there are no other sequentially preferable sites for those uses.  Furthermore, as submitted, there is concern that the proposal may have an adverse impact upon the vitality and viability of the existing neighbourhood shopping and community facilities within Fradley and therefore, the development is contrary to the requirements of Core Policies 1 (The Spatial Strategy) and 8 (Our Centres) of the Local Plan Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Councillor Derick Cross (Ward Councillor) and Mr Stephen Stoney of Wardell Armstrong LLP (Applicant’s Agent))



19/00053/FULM – Construction of link road to form part of Lichfield Southern Bypass on Land between Birmingham Road and London Road, Lichfield

Land South of Shortbutts Lane, Lichfield, Staffordshire

For: Persimmon Homes


RESOLVED:-  That planning permission be approved subject to the conditions in the report of the Director of Place and Community.


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Mr Robin Hawley (Objector) and Mr Alistair Stewart of Persimmon Homes West Midlands (Applicant))



19/00339/FUL – Retention of a 13.7m (45ft) Telescopic Pole and Antenna

18 Curlew Close, Lichfield, Staffordshire.  W14 9UL

For: Mr David Clift


RESOLVED:- That planning permission be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.    The proposed development would have a detrimental impact on the visual amenity of surrounding area.  The development would therefore be contrary to Core Policy 3 (Delivering Sustainable Development) and Policy BE1 (High Quality Development) of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy (2015) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).


2.    The proposed development, by virtue of its overbearing impact, would have a detrimental impact on neighbouring residential amenity.  The development would therefore be contrary to Core Policy 3 (Delivering Sustainable Development) and Policy BE1 (High Quality Development) of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy 2015 and the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Mr Paul Baldwyn (Objector))



19/00550/FUL – Erection of 3 sets of security gates, CCTV and associated facilities (junctions of Keepers Road with Walsall Road, Endwood Drive with Rosemary Hill Road and Park Drive with Rosemary Hill Road)

Little Aston Park, Little Aston, Sutton Coldfield, Staffordshire

For: LAPRA Ltd.


RESOLVED:- That planning permission be REFUSED for the following reason:


The proposed development would create a gated community which would have a detrimental impact on social cohesion by creating social segregation in conflict with Paragraph 91 of the National Planning Policy Framework.  The development would therefore be contrary to Core Policy 2 (Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development), Core Policy 3 (Delivering Sustainable Development) and Policy BE1 (High Quality Development) of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy (2015) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).

(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Mrs Valerie Thomas (Objector) and Mr Paul Harris of Cerda Planning (Applicant’s Agent))



19/00936/COU – Change of use of outbuilding from office to residential bedsit

60 Ironstone Road, Burntwood, Staffordshire.  WS7 1LY

For: Advance Housing


RESOLVED:- That planning permission be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.    The proposed development fails to provide sufficient off-street parking and it is therefore considered this would have a detrimental impact on highway safety, contrary to Core Policy 5 (Sustainable Transport), Policy ST2 (Parking Provision) of the Local Plan Strategy; the Sustainable Design Supplementary Planning Document and the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).


2.    The proposed development would have a detrimental impact on neighbouring amenity by way of noise and disturbance.  Therefore, it is considered that the proposal would be contrary to Core Policy 3 (Delivering Sustainable Development) and Policy BE1 (High Quality Development) of the Lichfield District Local Plan Strategy (2015) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).


(Prior to consideration of the application, representations were made by Councillor Sue Woodward (Staffordshire County Councillor for Burntwood North and Burntwood Town Councillor))



19/00931/COU – Conversion from residential/office to a 3 bedroom dwelling and associated works

Gardeners Cottage, Beacon Park, Swan Road, Lichfield

For: Lichfield District Council


RESOLVED:-  That planning permission be approved subject to the conditions in the report of the Director of Place and Community.




Supporting documents: