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Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committees

This page lists the meetings for Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committees.

  • 30 May 2018 6.00 pm - Agenda; Joint Economic Growth, Environment & Development and Strategic (Overview & Scrutiny) Committees

Information about Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committees

Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committees are held on an ad hoc basis and when items under consideration fall within more than one committee terms of reference.


Details of which O&S Committees are or have held a joint meeting can be found in the meeting date section along with specific Councillor membership.  Chairmanship is decided at each meeting.


Papers before February / March are not currently online because we are introducing a new committee services system but that these papers will be re-published in the very near future. If you would like any copies, please contact Democratic Services on 01543 308064/065