
Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 2nd October, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room

Contact: Will Stevenson 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interests


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 104 KB


Health Matters pdf icon PDF 221 KB

To receive updates of the work of the County Council’s Health and Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee, feedback issues via our representative on that Committee (Cllr L. Leung) and consider any health-related matters devolved to us by that Committee. The work programme is attached to aid Members.


Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Notes From Task Groups pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Compliments, complaints, MP and FOI enquiries report 2023/2024 pdf icon PDF 153 KB

Additional documents:


Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Additional documents:


Infrastructure Funding Statement pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Additional documents:


LWMTS Business Plan / Annual Accounts pdf icon PDF 135 KB


Police Community Engagement Strategy

  1. What do you see as the key objectives of police/partner engagement?
  2. What does effective communication and engagement look like between you and police?
  3. What data or information would you welcome from the police as part of this engagement?
  4. How do you envisage police representation within your meeting structures? Considerations could include: frequency of in-person or in-advance report, attendance online by a PC or PCSO
  5. What do you do with any information/data shared by the police?
  6. How will you ensure that relevant information reaches all sections of your community including vulnerable and marginalised groups?
  7. What mechanisms do you have in place to collaborate and communicate with police colleagues?
  8. What data or information can you provide to the police as part of this engagement?
  9. How should we measure the success of our engagement together?



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 93 KB