Venue: Committee Room
Contact: Shanade Cartwright
Note: Rescheduled from 19/10/2023
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Councillors Banevicious and Hawkins. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Powell declared a non-pecuniary interest in item no. 6. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 77 KB Minutes: Members asked the chair what discussions had been held with officers in relation to bringing forward a report into the Council's disability pay gap. The chair replied that she had emailed the Chief Operating Officer and was currently awaiting a reply.
The minutes of the previous meeting were signed and approved as a correct record.
Foundation Living Wage PDF 115 KB Minutes:
The Assistant Director Operations, Regulation and Enforcement (Christie Tims) presented an update report on the Foundation Living Wage (FLW following the Full Council decision to pay all staff in line with this.
The committee discussed the commitment on this matter and if it could in the future be re considered if the wage rates were to change beyond the anitipaced and affordable levels. Members were reminded that it was the council that bought forward the proposal and approved it and that it would be down to them to determine the opposite if it was no longer in the interest of the Council.
Members discussed the importance of the Living Wage and to keep maintaining the Living wage for all Council staff. It was confirmed that all the arrangements are in place for the payments going forward and accreditation was likely to be confirmed in the New Year.
RESOLVED: Approved |
Disciplinary Policy PDF 130 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received an updated report from the Strategic HR Manager (Samantha Mills) on the disciplinary policy. It was noted that in 2022 the existing disciplinary policy needed to be reviewed in areas such as what’s expected of all District Council employees. They ensured that with the new policy all situations are dealt with in a fair and transparent manner. The ACAS code of practice and the officers code of conduct are integral to the operation of this policy. The proposed changes have made it an an easier document to read, allow issues that arise to be handled quickly and not delayed, clarification on the role of different individuals and that managers are fair in the way employees are dealt with.
The Committee discussed the reasons to why the policy doesn’t apply to Lichfield West Midlands Tradeed Services (LWMTS) staff ( unless they are subject to TUPE). As a separate business they operate their own set of policies though they are all based on the same code of conduct and Nolan principals.
Members discussed the importance of having a smoother policy to help people understand so that there are less questions to HR and giving managers more autonomy to resolve difficulties at an informal stage with managers knowing what they can and can’t do.
A number of minor amendments were suggested by members of the committee for increased clarity, which officers agreed to review in consultation with Employee Liaison Group as part of delegated authority to update the process and procedures.
It was noted by officers to provide revised policies for comment by committee members prior to final presentation for approval in future.
RESOLVED: approved subject to conditions • The committee approves the contents of the updated Disciplinary and Grievance Policy as set out in Appendix A • The committee delegate authority to the Assistant Director Operations, Regulation & Enforcement in consultation with the Chair of this committee, to update and republish the Disciplinary and Grievance policy in respect of wider application across the council managing employee performance/conduct and the process and procedures to follow. |
Exclusion of Press and Public RESOLVED: “That as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, which would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph ? of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972”
Minutes: That as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, which would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 |
Flex Retirement Report Minutes: Christie Tims presented the report to the committee. No significant concerns were raised by the committee
RESOLVED: The committee approved the recommendation as set out in the report. |