Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room
Contact: Christine Lewis
No. | Item | ||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Grange, Leytham, A Little, Silvester-Hall and A Yeates.
Declarations of Interests Minutes:
Councillor Robertson declared a personal interest in Minute no. 51 as he is a patient registered with Darwin Medical Centre.
Councillor Ho declared a personal interest in Minute no. 51 as he is a patient registered with Boney Hay Surgery. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 February 2023 were agreed as a correct record.
Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre Representatives from the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board will be attending to discuss the situation and any proposals regarding the Burntwood Wellbeing Centre. A letter sent to stakeholders is attached for background information. Minutes: The Chair welcomed
representatives from the Staffordshire
and Stoke-on-Trent
The Chair advised that members had been sent a copy of the published letter sent to all stakeholders by the ICB and asked Mr Bird if he could update members with the history and the current position regarding the closure of the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre.
Mr Bird advised that the Burntwood Health & Welllbeing Centre had opened in 2008 and had always been a temporary measure as the original permission was granted on condition that it be taken down after 3 years. Since that time several planning extensions had been given by the LDC planning department and the last extension in 2019 was by means of a contract which was timebound to September 2024 in order for the redevelopment of the health care facilities in Burntwood. Mr Bird confirmed that they had worked with colleagues at Staffordshire County Council and had opened Greenwood Health Centre and the new Burntwood North Centre at Cherry Close would be open and operational from 2025. He advised that they were confident that the plans were sound as they had engaged with all the relevant parties and the existing local surgeries had confirmed they could take on the existing patients with the intent that the new facility at Cherry Close will be open in 2025.
Members made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:-
· The consultation in 2009 was discussed as it was stated at the end of that consultation that the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre and Greenwood Health Centre were needed as the local surgeries had outgrown their accommodation and so unable to offer the sufficient health provision to the Burntwood people – why now is it to be closed before the new facility at Cherry Close is open?
Mr Bird confirmed that it was the end of the contract and a commissioning decision has been made to disperse the patient list. It was recognised that the levels of appointments for GPs were challenging and there were a range of approaches to be brought forward but all local practices had confirmed that the physical estate is available recognising that in 2025 the new Burntwood North Centre would be opening. He said they would need to manage the transitional period and it may be that they need to retain the building at the Burntwood Health & Wellbeing Centre but will be working with the local practices on how best to use it – perhaps host back-office staff and administration so maximising clinical space at the other surgeries to take on the existing patient lists.
· Mr Bird was asked how confident he was in obtaining planning permission for this period from September 2024 to the opening date of the ... view the full minutes text for item 51. |
George Bryan Centre This is to discuss the current consultation regarding the George Bryan Centre. A link to the consultation and associated documents can be found here Consultation Documents and Survey - Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, Integrated Care Board ( Minutes: The Chair welcomed
representatives from the Staffordshire
and Stoke-on-Trent
Mr Bird informed members that the ICB was considered the statutory body for the consultation process regarding the George Bryan Centre. A link to the consultation and associated documents had previously been circulated to members and the Chair encouraged members to participate in the consultation process which was currently taking place around the future provision.
Nicola Bromage from the In-patient Mental Health Team, ICB delivered a presentation explaining the reason for the review, the present community support and the proposal for the mental health transformation. She said there had been a national model which the long-term plan had focussed on which needed to work differently in the community setting rather than hospital stays. She said they recognised they needed to enhance the community and mental health services by providing more mental health practitioners in GP settings, improving the continuity of care and focus on more personalised care with more integrated working so care is coordinated between teams. She advised that a lot of work was being carried out with partner organisations and with crisis teams with a crisis café in Tamworth recently opening. It was also very important to support the physical health needs as well as the mental health needs.
Community Mental Health case studies were shared showing the new pathways for mental health older adults and adults with dementia.
Ms Bromage advised that Older Adults Specialists had been appointed since the George Bryan Centre closed and said support was now available before diagnosis. She said the staff work really close within the community with voluntary groups, social services, council and other partner organisations.
The Proposal for delivering mental health services was clarified:-
Ms Bromage said since the fire in 2019 at The George Bryan Centre, Tamworth the Commissioners had been looking for a long-term solution for providing the services previously provided there and two suggestions had been proposed:-
1. Keep 18 beds at St Georges site in Stafford; and 2. Provide 18 beds at The George Bryan Centre.
However, after extensive research it was felt that only the one proposal was viable at the St Georges site in Stafford because it was felt a single isolated site would not be clinically safe in Tamworth. Ms Bromage said St Georges was significant and recognised as being able to provide better care with a psychiatric unit being able to provide rapid support with trained professionals on hand. The treatments were more varied i.e. art therapy/speech therapy and as the national best practice was to look at community-based projects this was recognised by the ICB as the best proposal even though the travel to Stafford was recognised as a disadvantage. It was possible with ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
To receive updates of the work of the County Council’s Health and Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee, feedback issues via our representative on that Committee (Cllr M. Wilcox) and consider any health related matters devolved to us by that Committee. The work programme is attached to aid Members. Minutes: The Vice-Chair, Councillor Norman, attended the previous Staffordshire County Council’sHealth & Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on Monday 13 February 2023 agenda items – Draft Mental Health Strategy 2023-2028, Mental Health Support Teams in Schools Update and Children’s Mental Health Update.
It was noted that looking ahead at the Work Programme for 2023/24 that SCC Health & Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee should itemise - S106 monies for GP Practices. (It was known that the ICB had applied to LDC for £550,000 for additional GP capacity sought at the Rugeley Power Station site). The Chair and Vice-Chair noted this.
Minutes: The Vice-Chair, Councillor Norman presented the Notes of the Climate Emergency Task Group as Chair of the Task Group and the contents were noted. Councillor Norman explained that there had been several delays and it was agreed that this should be prioritised after the 2023 Elections. It was noted that the number of days that have elapsed since the Climate motion was declared at Council on 10 December 2019 is already at 10.8% of the deadline which was set to 2050.
Minutes: It was noted that there was one meeting left on the Work Programme for 2022/23 – 25 May 2023 and the Chair said there were only two items for discussion:-
Outcomes of the Procurement process; Communications
RESOLVED: That the work programme be noted.
Voter ID Update Minutes: Christie Tims, Assistant Director of Operations, Regulation & Enforcement and Deputy Returning Officer provided an updated presentation to members further to the presentation given to January’s meeting. She advised members that all the changes to the 2023 Election had now been made and all training received. The planning/ preparations are where we were expecting it to be, and the Voter ID applications were coming through the portal steadily. She said there was a new form - Ballot Paper Refusal List which would be an ongoing characteristic going forward which the polling station staff will be asked to complete to specify and keep a running total of those who have been refused a ballot paper and the reasons for the refusal. This will link to the prescribed questions. Another addition is a Voter Identification Evaluation Form – to be used at this Election and the first General Election to track people who have not brought the recommended form of ID. The new process will be for the Presiding Officer to check the ID after the voter has confirmed their name and address before the number list is marked and any ballot paper is given out.
Ms Tims advised that 59 Voter ID applications had been received so far and 20 applications were currently on hold due to unsuitable photographs. There had also been 2 anonymous Voter ID applications received to date.
Members were reminded that postal votes are not affected for this Election and if voting by proxy – the person acting as proxy must have their ID.
Ms Tims confirmed that a lot of social media had been done since last time, linking it to the national campaign. All newsletters and one free newspaper had included the need for photo ID at all poll stations and posters and leaflets will be sent to key partners. Some leaflets had been put in with the council tax bills and press releases were ongoing up until the polling day. It was confirmed that the poll cards would have clear messaging on the front of them and a list of the acceptable forms of ID too. Ms Tims said she was meeting with several outreach groups and parish councils to encourage and see if any thing can be done to help with regards to accessibility and all the TV adverts were increasing.
Members were advised that the government were also running a campaign on voter fraud ensuring you are not being persuaded to vote by anyone and the timing was exactly the same.
Ms Tims confirmed that there was an active recruitment drive for all polling stations currently taking place with an increased number of Supervisors to help Presiding Officers with Voter ID problems being allocated.
Quick Reminder – Election Day – Thursday 4 May 2023 – Stations open from 7am-10pm Receipting/Verification into the early hours at Burntwood Leisure Centre and 10am Friday Count will take place
The pre-election period is due to start 21 March meaning a restriction on council resources for Election reasons ... view the full minutes text for item 56. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Minutes:
Notes from Task Groups Minutes: The Committee noted the two meetings held by the Task Group and were pleased at the progress made to date.
RESOLVED: That the Confidential notes be received.
Confidential Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The Confidential Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 February 2023 were agreed as a correct record.
The Chair advised members that we had now reached the end of the current cycle of meetings ahead of the Local Elections, and thanked all members for their contributions whilst sitting on this committee and the officers for all their help and support.