Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room
Contact: Lesley Bennett
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interests |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Licensing Sub-Committee carefully considered all the written paperwork, including the letters of objection, before them and also listened carefully to all oral submissions made. They took into account all relevant considerations, including the licensing objectives and also had regard to the Licensing Authority’s Statement of Licensing Policy, to the statutory guidance produced pursuant to section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 (the Act), to the Act itself and to considerations under the Human Rights Act 1990.
To grant the application for a premises licence in the terms sought subject to the mandatory conditions, the additional conditions offered by the Applicant as amended by the Sub-Committee and to the conditions imposed by the Sub-Committee in the interests of the protection of children from harm and public safety, which are:
• CCTV must be installed and operating correctly to manufacturer’s instructions internally and externally and must cover all public areas where licensable activity takes place whilst the premises is open to the public. This must include all areas that smokers are allowed to congregate. The picture must be clear enough to identify people’s facial features
The time and date must be set to the correct time relating to BST/GMT
A competent trained person in the use of and operation of the CCTV must be in attendance at the premises at all times that licensable activities take place and be able to fully operate the CCTV system to be able to down load at the time of the visit in a recognised format any information requested by the Police or Responsible Authority
All CCTV images must be retained for a period of not less than 31 days and any evidential incidents must be down loaded and stored in a secure system until such time as collected by an appropriate authority.
• Clear signage must be displayed at all entrance and exits indicating that CCTV is in operation.
• An incident register of all occurrences and ejections from the premises must be maintained at the premises and any details of any incidents of crime or disorder or misuse of drugs offences must be recorded. The register must be produced and made available at the time of the visit for inspection upon request by any responsible authority.
• All persons involved in the sale of alcohol who are not the holder of a Personal Licence to sell alcohol must receive initial and regular 6 monthly refresher training by the Designated Premises Supervisor or training provider with regards to the law in relation to the sale of alcohol. Such training must be recorded and up to date training records of all such persons must be maintained at the premises and produced and made available for inspection at the time of the visit by a responsible authority. There must be twelve months records retained.
• Both initial and subsequent refresher training in relation to the sale of age restricted products must contain a written test to be undertaken by the staff member and this record ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |