Agenda and minutes

Strategic (Overview and Scrutiny) Committee - Monday, 24th June, 2019 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room

Contact: Christine Lewis 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Tapper and White.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 69 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were circulated.  Subject to the addition of the attendance of Cabinet Members, they were signed as a correct record.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 98 KB


The work programme was circulated.  It was asked whether a date had been set for the investment strategy (treasury management) report and it was noted that it would be set when more information on its contents were known.  It was noted that item to consider progress of the Investment Strategy could also be included.  It was agreed to add an item on local procurement to the work programme.


RESOLVED:  That the work programme be updated as agreed.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 84 KB


The Terms of Reference for Overview & Scrutiny Committees were noted.


Fit for the Future: Fundamental Review of the Revenues and Benefits Service pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report on the Fit for the Future Fundamental Review of the Revenues and Benefits Service.  It was reported that the review was still ongoing, and the Committee would be kept informed of progress. 


The details of the service was then reported by the Cabinet Member and it was noted that it was a statutory requirement to provide the service however how it was delivered was for the Council to determine.


The Committee were introduced to the consultants, Caja, who had been appointed to carry out the review.  It was reported that they were investigating different models of service delivery ranging from in-house to a complete outsource.


Caja then gave a presentation to the Committee on their work and findings so far.  The Committee were then asked to give views on areas that would be helpful in informing the review.


Discussions included


·         Delivery of the service


·         That the cost of improvement need to be considered against return


·         Benefit take up. 


·         How other Local Authorities, locally and nationally, had been chosen to benchmark with and what information was being used to compare.


·         The models used to devise a number of options.


·         Speed of implementation for each of the delivery options as well as the longevity and maximum estimated savings.


·         The level of indirect costs, notably central recharges.


Caja were thanked for their presentation.


RESOLVED: That the views of the Committee be recorded and progress be reported back.


New Strategic Plan Process & Timeline pdf icon PDF 111 KB


The Committee received a report on the process and suggested timeframe for the compilation of the council’s new Strategic Plan for 2020-2024.


It was reported that a Task Group would be set up comprising of Councillors Baker, Grange, Leytham, Norman along with written representations from Councillor Ray and chaired by Councillor Checkland.  It was noted that this task group would lead in the creation of the plan in partnership with the Cabinet.  It was requested that these Members read the current Strategic Plan to familiarise themselves with the format and type of contents.


It was reported that the final draft would be considered by the Committee in January 2020 before approval was sought from Cabinet and Council.


The Committee were satisfied with the proposed timeline for the process.


RESOLVED:  (1)       That the creation of a cross-party O&S Task Group be endorsed to assist in the creation of the new Strategic Plan;


(2)       That the principle of a public consultation exercise on the new plan in November-December 2019 be supported; and


(3)       That the proposed timeline and process for the creation of the new Strategic Plan 2020-2024 be supported.