Agenda and decisions
Venue: The Committee Room
Contact: Mark Hooper
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Disabled facilities grants (DFG): Year one PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1 Cabinet notes the performance of LWMTS to date and future direction of travel/priorities
(Cllr Farrell, Simon Fletcher and Kerry Dove each declared an interest in this item as directors of LWMTS) |
Money Matters: 2023/24 Financial Monitoring PDF 1 MB Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1. To note the report and issues raised within and that Leadership Team with Cabinet Members will continue to closely monitor and manage the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
2.2. To note the level of general and earmarked reserves at 31 March 2024.
2.3. To approve £7,162,000 of Capital Programme slippage related to 2023/24 being added to the Approved Budget in 2024/25 as outlined at APPENDIX C.
2.4. To delegate responsibility to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Commissioning and the Director Finance, Regulation and Enforcement to make updates to Prudential Indicators based on more up to date information as the accounts are finalised in advance of approval by Council.
That Cabinet, subject to review by Audit Committee, recommends to Council:
2.5. To approve the actual 2023/24 Prudential Indicators |
Procurement Matters Update 2023/24 PDF 432 KB Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1 To note the contents of this report and the progress against planned actions in the Action Plan for 2023/24, Procurement projects for 2023/2024 and the updated self-assessment against the National Procurement Strategy.
2.2 To approve the Future Procurement Plan/pipeline for 2024/25 shown at APPENDIX D to enable procurement exercises to be undertaken with winning bid contracts being approved either via a Cabinet Member Decision or Cabinet Approval.
2.3 To note the update on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking for 2023/24 |
Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) PDF 1 MB Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1 Cabinet approves the approach in para 1.6 to develop the refreshed Medium Term Financial Strategy.
2.2 Cabinet delegates, to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Commissioning, responsibility to agree the form and timetable for the Budget Consultation covering 2025/26.
2.3 Cabinet approves the virement of £400,000 of budget from the projects detailed at 3.30 to increase the project budget for the new 3G pitch in Lichfield from £400,000 to £800,000.
2.4 Cabinet recommends to Council to update the Medium Term Financial Strategy to include a project in the Capital Programme for the implementation of Food Waste Collection for the Joint Waste Service of £1,766,540 funded by Government Grant (Lichfield DC (£1,131,640) and Tamworth BC (£634,900)). |
Civic Matrix – Recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny (O&S) Committee PDF 116 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1 f) That no determination of events required input from the Leader or Chief Executive as exists in the current matrix.
2.1 g) That the most appropriate Civic Head should attend functions.
2.1 h) To amalgamate the Chair and Vice-Chair’s budgets.
2.1 i) To have a budget for clothing, with a maximum appropriate level to be set by Cabinet. The suggested limit proposed was £200 per person.
· That having reviewed the operation of the matrix, Cabinet recommends that the requirement for a civic matrix be withdrawn, with decisions on event invitations to now be determined by the Chair and Vice-Chair, with support from the Civic Officer.
· That for transparency and accountability, Cabinet recommends that the Chair include a record of all events the Chair & Vice Chair have attended since last Full Council within the ‘Chair’s Announcements’ |
Staffordshire Leaders Board – Terms of Reference PDF 183 KB Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1 That Cabinet Note and agree to the updated Terms of Reference for the Leaders’ Board (see Appendix A) |
Joint Waste Service Fleet Procurement PDF 165 KB Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1 It is recommended that Cabinet delegate the award of the contract to the preferred bidder to Lichfield District Council’s Cabinet Member for Operational Services, Parks & Waste, the Director for Resident & Business Services and the Director of Finance, Regulation & Enforcement (S151), subject to approval by Tamworth Borough Council’s Full Council in September of the proposed contract award, and final contract discussions with the preferred supplier, provided it is deliverable within the allocated budget of £11.6m over seven years.
2.2 That Cabinet notes a PCR-compliant tendering exercise was conducted and the preferred bidder demonstrated most economically advantageous tender and scored most highly in the quality criteria – see Appendix one for a full breakdown of price and quality scores (confidential).
2.3 That Cabinet notes the new contract will offer the option to run all vehicles on hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), which is the first stage in a transformation towards an alternatively fuelled fleet. A move to HVO would be subject to further Cabinet approval, based on considerations in relation to HVO fuel costs, availability and impact on efficiency and carbon targets.
2.4 That Cabinet notes the proposed contract also offers some level of flexibility and should other forms of greener vehicles become available and practical to manage as part of the council’s fleet in the future, the contract will allow for newer, greener vehicles to be switched in, subject to contract variation.
2.5 That Cabinet notes the contract includes the option to extend a further seven years beyond the first seven-year contract period and delegates to Lichfield District Council’s Cabinet Member for Operational Services, Parks & Waste, in consultation with Tamworth Borough Council, the Director for Resident & Business Services and the Director of Finance, Regulation & Enforcement (S151) the ability to exercise extension options provided the cost is deliverable within the approved budget. |
Exclusion of Press and Public RESOLVED: “That as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, which would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972”
Joint Waste Service Fleet Procurement - Confidential Appendix |