Agenda and decisions
Venue: The Committee Room
Contact: Mark Hooper
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
1.1. Noted the progress made to-date.
1.2. Supported the continuation of works to both clear the route and the identification and mitigation of risks.
Lichfield District 2050 Strategy Q2 Performance Report Additional documents:
1.1. Discussed and approved the Q2 Year 1 Delivery Plan outturn of the Lichfield District 2050 Strategy and Q2 2024/25 Key performance indicators (KPI’s) report as set out in Appendix A and Appendix B of the Cabinet report.
1.1. Noted the most recent position of ‘off track’ Delivery Plan actions and KPIs at 20 November 2024 as set out in Appendix C of the Cabinet report.
1.3 Approved the changes to Delivery Plan actions as set out in paragraphs 3.14 and 3.15 of the Cabinet report.
Mini Nature Reserves Decision: The Cabinet:
1.1. Agreed in principle two, forty-year, arrangements (leases or management agreements) on sections of Beacon Park and Redwood Park, for the delivery of biodiversity enhancement works.
1.2. Delegated the final decision to the Cabinet Member for Operational Services, Parks & Waste in consultation with the Director for Resident and Business Services and Monitoring Officer following the relevant consultation process and consideration of any objections.
• In the event that the arrangements are leases, authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Operational Services, Parks & Waste and Cabinet Member for Visitor Economy, Ecology & Climate Change in consultation with the Director for Resident and Business Services to agree the content subject to any financial implications being funded from Approved Budgets.
Money Matters 2024/25 Decision: The Cabinet:
1.1. Noted the report and issues raised within and that Leadership Team with Cabinet Members will continue to closely monitor and manage the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Calculation of Business Rates 2025/26 Decision: The Cabinet:
1.1. Approved in accordance with the relevant legislation and regulations, the Council Taxbase (Band D residential properties) for Lichfield District for the financial year 2025/26 of 41,522.7.
1.2. Noted the estimated Council Tax Collection Fund Surplus of (£11,780) (LDC Share £1,370) and the estimated Business Rates Collection Fund Surplus of (£3,869,880) (LDC Share £1,547,950) for 2024/25.
1.3. Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Finance & Commissioning and the Chief Financial Officer (Section 151) to: • Complete and certify the NNDR1 for 2025/26 on behalf of the Council. • Update the Council Taxbase for 2025/26 and Collection Fund projections for 2024/25 in the event of changes to guidance or the need for significant changes to underlying assumptions.
Lichfield District Design Code Supplementary Planning Document Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet:
1.1. Recommend to Full Council the adoption of the Lichfield District Design Code SPD at Appendix A of the Cabinet report.
1.2. Noted the response to consultation responses and officer comments and approve the Consultation Statement (Appendix B of the Cabinet report) and Adoption Statement (Appendix C of the Cabinet report) for publication.
1.3. Approved to delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Housing & Local Plan, in consultation with the Policy & Strategy Manager to make any minor typographical and visual amendments to the SPD ahead of adoption, and once adopted make minor non-material changes to the SPD.