Venue: The Committee Room
Contact: Mark Hooper
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Money Matters: 2024/25 Financial Monitoring PDF 862 KB Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1. To note the report and issues raised within and that Leadership Team with Cabinet Members will continue to closely monitor and manage the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
2.2. Cabinet approves the virement of £225,000 of budget from the projects detailed at 3.33 to include a project budget for Pedestrianisation implementation in Lichfield City of £225,000.
2.3. Cabinet accepts the Better Care Fund Grant of £1,209,854 and recommends to Council to increase the Disabled Facilities Grant Capital Budget by £169,000 from £1,041,000 to £1,210,000 in 2024/25 |
LWM Annual Report 2023/2024 PDF 281 KB Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1 That Cabinet reviews the LWM Traded Services Ltd Annual Report 2023/24 and approves its publication.
(Cllr Farrell, Simon Fletcher and Kerry Dove each declared an interest in this item as directors of LWMTS) |
City Centre Pedestrianisation PDF 195 KB Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet agreed:
2.1 To approve that the current ETRO in Lichfield City becomes a permanent Traffic Regulation Order (TRO).
2.2 To delegate the approval of a contract for the supply and installation of a Rising Bollard System within Lichfield City Centre to support the implementation and management of the TRO to the Cabinet Member for Visitor Economy, Ecology and Climate Change and Chief Operating Officer, subject to costs being within approved budgets.
2.3 To note the progress on and provide feedback on the feasibility of the Bore Street realignment.
2.4 To task the Cabinet Member for Visitor Economy, Ecology and Climate Change and Chief Operating Officer to continue to progress discussions with Staffordshire County Council on Bore Street realignment, and report back to Cabinet. |