Agenda and decisions

Venue: Online

Contact: Mark Hooper 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest


Strategic Plan Outturn

Additional documents:


The Cabinet noted the Council’s performance against its delivery plan targets as of April 2020 as set out in Appendix 1 of the report and available corporate indicators as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.


Money Matters 2020/21: Review of Financial Performance against the Financial Strategy

Additional documents:


The Cabinet:


1.1       Noted the report and issues raised within and that Leadership Team with Cabinet Members will continue to closely monitor and manage the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


1.2.      Noted the further grant provided by the Government in 2020/21 of (£140,417) and the projected support for income losses that will be used to offset additional spend and income reductions and approved an update to the MTFS.


Statement of Community Involvement pdf icon PDF 316 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet:


1.1 Approved the changes made in the updated SCI (Statement of Community Involvement) at Appendix A of the Cabinet report which is in line with the temporary legislation in relation to Coronavirus (Covid-19), the associated Explanatory Memorandum to the Town and Country Planning Regulations and the updated government guidance and adoption statement.


1.2 Delegated authority to allow further minor changes to comply with statutory requirements to the SCI to be undertaken by the Head of Economic Growth & Development in consultation with the Cabinet member for Visitor Economy & Local Plan.