Venue: The Committee Room
Contact: Mark Hooper
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Adoption of Revised CCTV Code of Practice PDF 90 KB Additional documents: Decision: 1.1 The Cabinet approved the CCTV Code of Practice.
Money Matters: 2018/19 Review of Financial Performance against the Financial Strategy PDF 681 KB Decision: The Cabinet:
1.1 Noted the report and issues raised within, and that Leadership Team with Cabinet Members willcontinue to closely monitor and manage the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017-22
1.2 Approved an update to the Capital Programme expenditure budget for Disabled Facilities Grants in2018/19 to £1,193,000, funded by £22,000of council resources, £100,000from Housing Grant Monies,£906,000of Better Care Fund (BCF) and £165,000of MHCLG Grant.
1.3 Delegated to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Democratic Services and the Cabinet Member forRegulatory Services, Housing & Wellbeing to update the Capital Programme expenditure budget forDisabled Facilities Grants to reflect any further receipt of external grant.
1.4 Approved an update to the Capital Programme expenditure budget for City Centre Strategy andInterpretation in 2018/19 to £23,500, funded by £1,000of council resources, £1,500of Section 106,£7,000from city centre sinking fund and £14,000contribution from Lichfield City Council.
1.5 Noted the successful net claim for repayment of leisure VAT of (£896,940)for the Council from HMRCwith this sum recommended to be transferred to an earmarked reserve pending a decision on its use.
Medium Term Financial Strategy (Revenue and Capital) 2018-23 PDF 3 MB Decision: Cabinet recommended to Council for approval:
1.1 The 2019/20 Revenue Budget, including the Amount to be met from Government Grants and Local Taxpayers of £11,371,400 and a proposed level of Council Tax (the District Council element) for 2019/20 of £175.07 (an increase of £5.08 or 2.99%) for a Band D equivalent property.
1.2 The Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018-23 (MTFS 2018-23) Revenue Budgets set out in Appendix A of the report including the results of the Budget Consultation.
1.3 The MTFS 2018-23 Capital Strategy and Capital Programme (appendices B & C of the report).
1.4 The Minimum Revenue Provision Statement 2019/20, at Appendix D of the report, which sets out the Council’s policy of using the asset life method as the basis for making prudent provision for debt redemption.
1.5 Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2019/20 including proposed changes (Appendix E of the report).
1.6 The Investment Strategy Report (Appendix F of the report) including the proposed limits for 2019/20.
1.7 The Capital and Treasury Prudential Indicators for 2018-23 in the financial implications section of the report.
1.8 The Authorised Limit Prudential Indicator shown within the financial implications section of the report.
1.9 The requirements and duties that the Local Government Act 2003 places on the Authority on how it sets and monitors its Budgets, including the CFO’s report on the robustness of the Budget and adequacy of Reserves shown in Appendix G of the report.
Fradley Neighbourhood Plan Final Decision Statement PDF 207 KB
Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet:
1.1 Noted the results of the referendum for the Fradley Neighbourhood Plan.
1.2 Agreed to the making of the Fradley Neighbourhood Plan and that this decision be reported to Full Council.
Transfer of Public Open Space to Armitage with Handsacre Parish Council PDF 89 KB Decision: The Cabinet
1.1 Agreed to the transfer of District Council assets in the Parish of Armitage with Handsacre to the parish council.
1.2 Agreed that covenants are placed on the land to protect the council’s financial position from future sale and or development of the sites, in particular where an asset has a potential capital receipt value.
1.3 Agreed that the S106 Agreement Commuted Sum of £185,913 and all its obligations for its intended use of the management and maintenance of Hawksyard play area, be transferred to the parish council.
1.4 Acknowledged that a license to operate at the war memorial car park has been granted to support the parish council’s ambitions of improvement works to the War Memorial. |
Exclusion of Press and Public RESOLVED: “That as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, which would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972”
Lichfield Garrick Theatre
This report is to be considered in private since it contains exempt information (as defined in Paragraph 3, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the financial affairs of the Authority and an external organisation. |
Digital Strategy - Server Support Contract
This report is to be considered in private since it contains exempt information (as defined in Paragraph 3, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to the financial/business affairs of the Authority.