Agenda and decisions
Venue: The Council Chamber
Contact: Mark Hooper
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Money Matters 2021/22: Review of the Financial Performance Against the Financial Strategy Additional documents: Decision: 1.1. Noted the Cabinet report and issues raised within and that Leadership Team with Cabinet Members will continue to closely monitor and manage the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
1.2. Accepted the funding from the Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme of £165,898 (capital £140,000 and revenue £25,898) and approved an update to the Medium Term Financial Strategy to reflect the grant funding income and matching expenditure.
1.3. Approved the further allocations of funding from the Risk and Recovery Budget detailed at paragraph 3.9 and 3.10 of the Cabinet report totalling £52,600.
Calculation of Business Rates 2022/23, Council Tax Base For 2022/23 and the Projected Collection Funded Surplus / Deficit for 2021/22 Additional documents: Decision: The Cabinet: 1.1. Approved in accordance with the relevant legislation and regulations, the Council Taxbase (Band D residential properties) for Lichfield District for the financial year 2022/23 of 39,695.1.
1.2. Noted the estimated Council Tax Collection fund Deficit of £345,080 and the estimated Business Rates Collection Fund Deficit of £7,210,000 for 2021/22.
Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member
for Finance, Procurement and Revenues & Benefits and the Chief
Financial Officer (Section 151) to:
Local Plan 2040 - Submission Additional documents:
Decision: This item has been deferred. |
Update on Development Management Service Review & Improvement Plan PDF 591 KB Additional documents: Decision: The Cabinet: 1.1. Noted the performance of, and the progress being made by the DevelopmentManagement Service in terms of implementing the revised structure and with regard to its improvement programme.
Review of Shared Legal Service PDF 449 KB Decision: The Cabinet: 1.1. Approved an increase in the annual contribution from £115,200 to £145,300 to the South Staffordshire Shared Legal Service for 2022/23 and for the remainder of the agreement up to 31 December 2024 as shown in the financial implications section of the Cabinet report.
1.2. Approved that budgetary growth totalling £84,300 for the remaining agreement period (3 years), together with an increase in the base budget at this higher level beyond the agreement, is included in the Draft Medium Term Financial Strategy for approval by Council on 22 February 2022.