Agenda and decisions

Venue: Online

Contact: Mark Hooper 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest


Revised Housing Assistance Policy pdf icon PDF 353 KB

Additional documents:


         The Cabinet:


1.1    Approved the revised Housing Assistance Policy at Appendix 1 of the Cabinet report.

1.2    Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Housing and Health in consultation with the Head of Service to make minor amendments to the policy from time to time, and also make changes to the discretionary assistance set out in Appendix A of the policy within approved budgets.


Review of Committee Meetings

Additional documents:


1.1    The Cabinet recommended that Council approve the following updates to the committee structure:


·        That Parish Forum is removed as a constituted committee and become informal meetings to aid information flow and training.


·        The District Board is removed as a constituted committee. Any statutory function carried out by this meeting is delegated to officers and relevant plans and decisions notified to Cabinet members and committees where appropriate.


·        That the structure for Overview & Scrutiny with the four existing committees be changed to a single Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


·        That the proposed Overview & Scrutiny Committee consider items earlier in the decision making process to aid policy development and review whether stated outcomes from decisions, strategies and policies have been achieved via effective use of member task groups.


·        That mandatory training is developed for all the scrutiny committee members and additional mandatory training for chair, vice chair and task group chair roles. Gender neutral terms will be used for all Committees from this point.


·        Full Council will appoint the Chair. The Vice-Chair will be nominated by the Leader of the Opposition and all task group Chairs are appointed by the Chair of O&S.


·        That an Independent Review Panel (IRP) is commissioned to assess the Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) payable to any roles affected by this review. Any findings are kept within existing budgets.


·        That an evaluation of the effectiveness of the new committee structure be undertaken after the next District Council Local Elections in 2023.


·        That the relevant sections of the Constitution be updated to reflect the new committee structure with clear but adaptable processes to support effective decision making.


Garrick Theatre

Additional documents:


The Cabinet:


Approved that the relationship with the Lichfield Garrick Theatre Ltd revert to a Strategic Partnership Agreement.


Approved funding of the Strategic Partnership Agreement to the values outlined in paragraph 3.13 of the Cabinet report.


Approved the Strategic Partnership Agreement detail a smaller number of more measureable outcomes, to better assess the contribution to LDC’s Strategic Objectives.


Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Parks & Waste, in conjunction with the Head of Operational Services to enter into a Strategic Partnership Agreement with the Garrick Theatre Limited on the basis of the principles outlined in the Cabinet report.


Exclusion of Public and Press

RESOLVED: “That as publicity would be prejudicial to the

public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the

business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded

from the meeting for the following items of business, which

would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as

defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the

Local Government Act 1972”


Confidential Appendices to Item 5 (Garrick Theatre)