Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room

Contact: Christine Lewis 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Gwilt and Ho


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 83 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a correct record.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 84 KB


The Terms of Reference for Overview & Scrutiny Committees were circulated and noted.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 76 KB


The work programme was circulated and considered.  It was requested that a task group on CIL be created as it was felt that there was inequity across the district in the application of charging rates.  It was requested that CIL and Apartments be included in the work of this task group.  It was noted that the CIL rates had be found sound by an Inspector but the subject would be scoped further with Officers. It was also requested that a task group on S106 & affordable housing be set up and be joint group with members of the Community, Housing & Health (Overview & Scrutiny) Committee if appropriate.  It was agreed to discuss this further at the O&S Coordinating Group.


It was noted that the Local Plan Sub Committee had an updated membership following the recent local elections.  


The Committee was pleased that there was an item included on the Work Programme regarding Burntwood development and it was requested that rural areas also be added.


The scope of the Planning Committee review, due to be the subject of a report to the Committee in September, was discussed and it was requested that appeal information, room changes and potential Member substitution be included.


It was requested that an item on electric vehicle charging points be added to the work programme.  However it was agreed that this could be picked up as part of the forthcoming city centre planning exercise and reporting.


RESOLVED:  That the work programme be noted and updated as agreed.



Lichfield City Centre (including Birmingham Road site): Future Planning Exercise pdf icon PDF 195 KB


The Committee received a report providing an update on matters relating to the planning exercise for Lichfield City Centre including the Birmingham Road Site (BRS).


It was reported that there had been a cross party working group who had assisted in the creation of the brief for the tender to commission master planning consultants.  The brief had been subsequently put out to tender and a number of bids received.  These were currently being evaluated.  It was noted that it had been agreed at Cabinet for the decision to award the tender to be delegated to the Cabinet Member in consultation with the Head of Service.  It was reported that there had been agreement at the BRS working Group that they could be part of the procurement process. The Cabinet member noted the comments referred to the evaluation exercise which was technical in nature.  Officers were responsible for carrying out the assessment and making a recommendation.  An agreed process was in place using defined criteria.  As the decision to appoint is delegated, there was no scope nor necessity to include other members.  The Committee was reminded that Cabinet Member decisions were subject to Call-In if deemed necessary. 


The Cabinet Member emphasised and again reiterated the point that the Committee would have the opportunity to have an input once the appointed consultants begin their work.  It was agreed to discuss further whether this would be best carried out by the full Committee or by a smaller Task Group.


It was also agreed to send new Members of the Committee the BRS working Group notes of meetings as background.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted and future updated be brought back to the Committee as and when progress is made on work by the appointed consultants.


Local Plan Update pdf icon PDF 160 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report updating the Committee on the Local Plan Allocations final Inspectors Report.  It was noted that the Inspector had made comments and found the plan sound and deliverable and the next step was for Council to accept the Inspector’s Main Modifications.


The Committee was then updated on the consultation of the Local Plan Review – Preferred Options & Policy Directions.  It was reported that the consultation closed on the 18th March 2019 and officer responses had been prepared for the representations received.  The Committee was asked whether (in the context of generic representation) it was advantageous to list them all or if it would be easier to group the same responses together i.e. similar to a petition.  It was noted that there were national and EU protocols regarding reporting representations and it was agreed to investigate these further with an aim to apply this locally.


It was asked why Kings Bromley was not listed in the table updating on Neighbourhood Planning and it was reported that it because that area had chosen not to progress a plan and as such not become designated.  The Committee was pleased to see that there had been progress in Burntwood.


Affordable housing was discussed and it was noted that if the target of 40% was not being hit, then a look into the planning policy would be required.  It was noted that it was part of the Local Plan Review.


Infrastructure was considered and it was felt that there was a need to reconsider the infrastructure plan and it was noted that this would be part of the Local Plan Review.  It was agreed that there was a large demand to commute to and from greater Birmingham so rail as well as roads should be contemplated.  It was requested that the cycle network also be investigated.


The prospect of a Burntwood BID was raised and it was noted that there needed to be a commitment locally and the Economic Development Officer has supported the current Burntwood Business Corporation and would aid in setting up a BID if it was desired.


The Committee congratulated Officers on the report and the work undertaken.


RESOLVED:  (1)       That Cabinet be recommended to approve the Local Plan Allocations for the purposes of adoption.


(2)        That the progress associated with the Local Plan Review be noted;


(3)        That Cabinet be recommended to approve the summary of comments and officer responses in respect of the Local Plan Review;


(4)        That Cabinet be recommended to approve the revised Local Development Scheme timetable asset out at paragraph 3.13 of the report; and


(5)        That the recent progress in relation to neighbourhood plans within Lichfield District be noted.