Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Mark Hooper
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence (if any) |
Declarations of Interest |
Chair's Announcements |
Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Additional documents: |
Minutes of the Planning Committee The Chair of the Planning Committee to move that the proceedings of the meetings held on 5 July, 6 September and 4 October 2021 be received and where necessary approved and adopted. Additional documents: |
Minutes of the Audit and Member Standards Committee The Chair of the Audit and Member Standards Committee to move that the proceedings of the meetings held on 22 July and 22 September (to follow) 2021 be received and where necessary approved and adopted. Additional documents: |
Minutes of the Regulatory and Licensing Committee The Chair of the Regulatory and Licensing Committee to move that the proceedings of the meetings held on 29 July and 27September 2021 be received and where necessary approved and adopted. Additional documents: |
Community Infrastructure Levy - Governance Arrangements To approve changes to Community Infrastructure Levy Governance arrangements as recommended by Cabinet at the meeting held on 8 June 2021. Additional documents: |
Update to the Medium Term Financial Strategy - Earmarked Reserves To approve an update the Medium Term Financial Strategy to repurpose earmarked reserves as recommended by Cabinet at the meeting held on 7 September 2021. |
Annual Treasury Management Report To approve the 2020/21 Prudential Indicators contained within the report. |
Development Management Services Structure To approve an increase in the Revenue Budget as recommended by Cabinet at the meeting held on 7 September 2021. |
Dual Stream Recycling To approve an update to the Medium Term Financial Strategy as recommended by Cabinet at the meeting held on 7 September 2021. |
Revised Financial Procedure Rules To approve revised Financial Procedure Rules as recommended by Audit and Member Standards Committee at the meeting held on 22 September 2021. |
Contract Procedure Rules To approve revised Contract Procedure Rules as recommended by Audit and Member Standards Committee at the meeting held on 22 September 2021. |
Membership of Committees To agree that Councillor Matthews be appointed to the Planning Committee to replace Councillor Warfield and consider any other proposed changes to Committee membership. |
Questions To answer any questions submitted under procedure rule 11.2 |